damn i'm drunk -- the thread

So, I've broken into the Chopin. This is definitely the best polish vodka I've had. If not the best vodka. Very refined, definitely quality tested. Smooth going down, with a nice scent coming from the bottle.

Might replace stoli in my freezer...
The Delirium Noel was mediocre at best. God damn placebo. I picked up some Anchor Porter and ended up watching some shitty BET reality TV with some chums. God damn negars are worthless. I feel more tired than buzzed. Until tomorrow...
fuck i have a pounding headache ... open bar last night at a xmas party, jacks neat + tequila shots + #9's do not miz well
hEY KIKRES, i JUST CAME BACK FROM tyE. Awesome fucking sgjow and I stoppedby for a qwuater pounder w./ cheee nd a 10 peice chicken mgnunngets;. fFucking aaesome my pals, I know none of you care for jo;lyu folk but Tyer played a superb set and got my libido rocking like an 8 year old on levitra. Frigginb phgenomenal show, despite the cancerous humanity in attendance. Yea so I got a quarter pounder with ceese and 10 piece chuicken mcgnuggets , fucking kick ass. Obama is a fouchebag liberal who is tyaking this under. Nggers are no good, saside from basketball. Filthy fucking simians catch this spalding coons. AHHH fuck like aye??!?! Hmm tasty burger.
I'm drinknin forty's with some pals and we went on my balcony to smoke. We were listening to Symbolic and this black guy who was on his balcony as well, started "freestyling" to 1,000 eyes. It was cool.
I'm drinknin forty's with some pals and we went on my balcony to smoke. We were listening to Symbolic and this black guy who was on his balcony as well, started "freestyling" to 1,000 eyes. It was cool.

you're a fucking disgrace to RC and this is coming from a relative newb to RC. you're a fucking faggot and if you're not a fake account, you should stop posting. anyway..... is anyone going to the May 4 2009 Irving Plaza Moonsorrow, Promordial, ect, all!?
I think you have issues with acceptance. Just because you like Primordial doesn't make you cool.

See how you constructed that paragraph? You made fun of someone who isn't liked much on this forum, then went on to praise a band that most(if not all) like here.

I think Primordial is extremely lame.