Damnation and a Day


S t a r E
Apr 27, 2002
ON, Canada
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I couldn't...help....myself. After seeing Cradle of Filth at Club Denim (and dammit, what a crowd it WAS!) Live in Guelph, I had to grab the new album because I just loved what I heard. I don't care what anyone says, these guys have talent - over-rated or not, theatrical or not, whatever. You can REALLY get into the music...big-time!

Anyway, the album is seriously growing on me with every listen and dammit, Babalon A.D., Mannequin and Thank God For The Suffering are truly killer songs. The orchestral arrangements are downright beautiful. It truly gives the album that grand, epic scale if you know what I mean.

Booklet is full of nice artwork as well....

The album may not be as good as Cruelty and the Beast, but man...it kicks!
wooo! someone who thinks the same as me about cradle of filth! :) Dani might be a big baby, and the theatrics are cheesy as hell, but I cant get enough of Dani's vocals! there awesome! Even Midian (prolly the most looked down upon album) AHHHHHH I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!! lol leave me alone opeth is still my favorite band!
I agree, it is a nice album. There are some songs I really like and some "fillers", but it is worth a buy. I don't understand people who dislike Cradle Of Filth just because of their image - the image of all those corpsepaint black metal bands is just as cheesy...
To me, it's this year's best album.
Listening to track #5, then seguing right into "Better to Reign in Hell" ... ah ... that's so COOL.
If the sound had more power, the band didn't talk so much bullshit and they had a decent singer, Cradle of Filth could be an avarage blackmetal band. But like this, I consider them more than embarrassing. Songs like "Better to Reign in Hell" aren't even bad in their essence, but the vocals of this totally incapable, idiotic poser called Dani destroy every spark of quality, still ignoring the bullshit you can read on the band's homepage which is not even funny - it's just dull and intellectually undemanding. Dave Pybus is a good musician and songwriter as we see in Anathema's "Judgement", but he's a fucking betrayer for joining Cradle. But never the less - listen to everything you want. It's a matter of taste and attitude.
@Mindflesh: You're right, the corpsepaint-image ain't much better either.
Oh man, totally forgot about Better To Reign in Hell - absolutely awesome song. And, the way it kicks in right after that speech is damn incredible I say. Woah....

And dammit, Dani is perhaps the greatest Black Metal vocalist there is....c'mon, the lyrics/wording he writes and those howls/growls he is capable of sound great. If anyone thinks he's bad, well...there is MUCH worse out there....much. Nothing wrong with the way Dani sings, it fits the music and band perfectly. It's theatrical horror, and that's what he does. I admit, seeing them live - it really did get cheesy at times (especially the way Dani introduced the songs, lol.)

Haven't realized Dave (from Anathema) joined Cradle. Woah...seriously? I gotta take a look at the lineup. If so, you think he took part in the new album's songwriting process?
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Well I don't have much knowledge about Cradle, but on their homepage Dave Pybus is listed as their bassplayer. I don't know who writes the songs for Cradle mainly. But Dave is definately a good songwriter, just look at "Anyone, Anywhere" :cool:
Ex-My Dying Bride keyboardist Martin Powell (that was his name, right) is also with Cradle if I remember correctly... but the stuff he writes in his profile is just sick shit. He sais he left MDB because the money did not suffice for his alcohol problem, and he went selling crack in the streets in order to get beer money etc. He even seems proud of this past, no matter if it's true or not. Idiot. And then this: "Without a doubt the most favourite thing in the world is spending time with my wife-even though she is a pisshead-spaz." 0_o
If you wanna know what I mean when I say Cradle are embarrassing, just read this thing they dare to call "Biography" on their homepage http://www.theorderofthedragon.com/
Damnation and a Day is a really atmospheric album, and the setup of the chapters of the CD is great plus.

I never cared much fro pre-Midian Cradle of Filth, it always came off as sloppy to me. And the production on Cruelty...well, the less said about that the better.
Domson as TIOBS said:
If the sound had more power, the band didn't talk so much bullshit and they had a decent singer, Cradle of Filth could be an avarage blackmetal band. But like this, I consider them more than embarrassing. Songs like "Better to Reign in Hell" aren't even bad in their essence, but the vocals of this totally incapable, idiotic poser called Dani destroy every spark of quality, still ignoring the bullshit you can read on the band's homepage which is not even funny - it's just dull and intellectually undemanding. Dave Pybus is a good musician and songwriter as we see in Anathema's "Judgement", but he's a fucking betrayer for joining Cradle. But never the less - listen to everything you want. It's a matter of taste and attitude.
@Mindflesh: You're right, the corpsepaint-image ain't much better either.

Well I don't have much knowledge about Cradle, but on their homepage Dave Pybus is listed as their bassplayer. I don't know who writes the songs for Cradle mainly. But Dave is definately a good songwriter, just look at "Anyone, Anywhere" :cool:
Ex-My Dying Bride keyboardist Martin Powell (that was his name, right) is also with Cradle if I remember correctly... but the stuff he writes in his profile is just sick shit. He sais he left MDB because the money did not suffice for his alcohol problem, and he went selling crack in the streets in order to get beer money etc. He even seems proud of this past, no matter if it's true or not. Idiot. And then this: "Without a doubt the most favourite thing in the world is spending time with my wife-even though she is a pisshead-spaz." 0_o
If you wanna know what I mean when I say Cradle are embarrassing, just read this thing they dare to call "Biography" on their homepage http://www.theorderofthedragon.com/

I don't agree with 90% of your post, except that the lyrics are a little bit less than some previous CoF albums (who remembers 'the rape and ruin of angels').

What's in their profile on their site doesn't have to be serious. I'm tired of those clean profiles of bands. If you can't take what it says, I may consider you as someone who doesn't like the smell of humour. Maybe you have no sense of humour or just a different kind of humour, but I couldn't believe you had a rant about thàt thing. I grinned while reading that, but that's just me.

Does a bandsite have to be intellectually demanding to you btw? Maybe you should start a band a make a classic latin biography and add your gear with chemical symbols for the matter your instruments consist of :p
I also think that the vocals could use some improvement... but at least you can definitely tell Dani's screams apart from those of all other vocalists, something that can't be attributed to many bands :)

Oh, and the biography is actually quite funny... it's always positive for a band if they don't take themselves all too seriously.
i dont like the new album at all, but everything from midian back is good. i wouldnt call dani filth the best black metal singer though...or even black metal for that matter since him and cradle neither have the black metal look or sound or song style, too many theatrics to be black metal...theyre more of a goth band with thrashy style guitars.definitly not black though
You wanna see gay?

I give you gay!!
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cradle "gay?" Are you MAD? Have you even taken the time to truly appreciate what they have done? I doubt it, because, they have some truly memorable compositions as well as guitar melodies.

Listening to Damnation and a Day felt like listening to an epic tale of some sort, the way everything is structured - in chapters and all that.

Even though they are not my favourite band, they are damn incredible.