Damnation and a Day

Black_paragon said:
what the hell is this, cradle of filth are gay...

Shut up, dumb f00.

Damnation and a Day is a pretty good album, I enjoy it. I like the material on Dusk And Her Embrace a bit better (minus the vocals, which are terribly screechy on that album), but DAAD has some pretty good orchestra stuff and atmospherics going on. Better to Reign in Hell is an AWESOME song! :) Overall, an above average album, although I must say that most of the stuff I've heard from Dimmu Borgir appeals to me more. Dani is an ok vocalist, he sounds good on DAAD, I'm glad he doesn't do that super-high shit on it so much, because it annoys me. He isn't an amazing vocalist, but I've found CoF's music to be pretty cool. It's cool to hate them, and thats a shame, because the music itself is nowhere as bad as most people make it out to be.
no one ever mentions Serpent Tongue!!! The opening keyboards and guitar are the most epic thing on that album!!!

Other than that, DAAD I find has a little too much filler to be a great album.....at first I was so enthused with the new sound that I thought it was CoF's best ever, but in retrospect I actually think its probably their weakest to date.....but not by too much.

CoF are an excellent band. Any in-depth listen to any of their albums will reveal much depth and songwriting finesse.
Hmmm....GREAT article. But, no matter what they say, to the majority of the public, they will ALWAYS be referred to as a black-metal band. They really are - I mean, the vocals themself speak balck-metal to me. I mean, those high-pitched screetches and all. Plus, check out their logo - it is black-metal material to me, as is with other metal bands in this category sich as Dissection, Mayhem and Emperor.

They are a "different" kind of black-metal IMO, though, sure...more complex, with intense, dramatic orchestrations and some romantic/elegant melodies mixed in with all the brutal, heaviness.

Oh well, whatever....doesn't matter really. The band is GREAT. And I like this HUGE budget they have now, I don't get what the hell Dave was talking about. Like I said before, Cruelty (which I guess was more "raw") IMO is still their BEST album, but Damnation could very well be my second.

And YES, hell yeah there SculptedCold - Serpent Tongue is fucking brilliant! The intro is absolutely spectacular I must say.

In fact, I will list my top 5 songs from the album that is damnation.

1. Better To Reign In Hell
2. Mannequin
3. Serpent Tongue
4. Thank God For The Suffering
5. Babalon A.D.

Honorable Mentions: All the songs are great on here IMO, but others that come to mind are the first two tracks and Presents From The Poisoned-Hearted.
Ok dude.. we get it... you thing COF is great... calm down... but others are alowed to think they suck... as I do... their sound is too repetitive... everything sounds the same and the song structures are so basic... but again... i can see why some people like them... but don't try and make us feel stupid for thinking they suck... because there is lots of evidence saying they do.
2 years ago, I checked out their videoclip called "From Cradle To Enslaved".

I thought it was provacative for the sake of being provocative. Sex + Gore + "We are evil, sick vampire, fear us!" On the other hand, I was really impressed by the keys.

Anyway, it was long time ago, I was way more close minded than I am today. I'll give them another try. Any album/song suggestion?
oh man....i've never been a huge CoF fan, but THAT is a hard question to answer. =) CoF are a very consistent band; none of the albums are spectacularly better or worse than any others, and there isn't much filler on any of the albums. Its pretty much thorough quality through and through.

meh, blegh, ummm, try Cruelty Brought Thee Orchids. If you can get over the naff-ass drum production, its an awesome song with some really excellent vocals.

uummmmm, The Black Goddess Rises. their earliest stuff was really atmospheric and more musically narrative, rather than the later stuff which is -narratively- lyrically powered.

Funeral in Carpathia.

Tearing the Veil from Grace.

Better to Reign in Hell (or Serpent Tongue)

One(two) from each album. =) I think Cruelty and the Beast is my favourite album....but meh, make sure you've got the lyrics when you listen to the song (darklyrics.com is handy) because it adds so much to the atmosphere.
Midwinter_melancholY said:
I don't agree with 90% of your post, except that the lyrics are a little bit less than some previous CoF albums (who remembers 'the rape and ruin of angels').

What's in their profile on their site doesn't have to be serious. I'm tired of those clean profiles of bands. If you can't take what it says, I may consider you as someone who doesn't like the smell of humour. Maybe you have no sense of humour or just a different kind of humour, but I couldn't believe you had a rant about thàt thing. I grinned while reading that, but that's just me.

Does a bandsite have to be intellectually demanding to you btw? Maybe you should start a band a make a classic latin biography and add your gear with chemical symbols for the matter your instruments consist of :p

I know that the shit on their page is not serious, but I no more find it amusing anyways. It's just ridiculous cliche-bullshit which - to be honest - adds perfectly to the band's image :-)

And this "intellectually demanding", you got it wrong, I could not find another word describing this better. I don't want to read things that always try to make me think about existence or whatever, I don't want a biography to be written in paratactic latin that only old monks can understand. But what I expect from a band is that they write something that makes sense and that has at least a small level of seriousness. I admit that I'm not quite a humourous person. But I can absolutely appretiate things that are funny in an innovative way. This Cradle-biography is just... dull.

And when I reconsider their music, which at last is the most important thing, I can only repeat myself: Some songs aren't really bad, there are quite okay riffs in those tracks I know, the orchestral arrangements are decent if not spectacular, but the overall sound of the production does not have enough power IMO. And as someone said before, they are very repetetive. Even the different songs sound quite similar to each other (predictable?). Then, there is too much plastic inside the music in the form of not very interesting keyboards. And last, but not least, Dani's vocals are just annoying me and destroy every chance for Cradle to please me.
Sure, it doesn't bother me if people dislike Cradle, it's just particular comments being made at times that bug me. Nothing against that one dude or anything, but coming here and just stating "they are gay" seemed very uncalled for. I mean, seriously...why not say, "they just don't appeal to me" or whatever? Simple...

And heck, I'll be the first to admit I'm not Cradle's #1 fan...FAR from it, actually. I'd NEVER wear their shirts, buy their merchandise, etc. It's not for me...with them, I just like some of their music. Namely the stuff that is off Cruelty and now the new release, DAAD. I just appreciate what they do, and see they have talent. To tell you the truth, there was a point in time I disliekd Cradle (exactly what Chang So has said in his post) but I opened up my mind to them, giving them another go. They just really are good. Obviously, not everyone will appreciate this sort of thing.

And Chang, anything from DAAD would be a good listen (my list of 5 especially, hehe.) Also, ...thee orchids is great, but IMO at least the best song off cruelty is "Thirteen Autumns and a Widow." And, lame title perhaps, I know...but "Lustmord & Wargasm" truly has some great moments. VERY nice intro.
Yeh, I too like a few of their songs:
Tearing the veil from grace
From the cradle to enslave
Her ghost in the fog (this actually was the song that got me into harder music in general some years ago, so I guess I owe CoF for that... I quickly moved on to deeper stuff tho, like Emperor or Opeth)

I dislike the image and commercialism tho. To me, they are to BM what groups like Linkin Park are to metal... i.e. what less knowledgeable people (teenagers mostly) consider to be true BM, but what actually is a pale imitation of what black metal really is. Just my opinion.
damnation and a day was very weak. the guitars have lost their edge. where are the twin guitars? cradle of filth used them so well in the past. the orchestra made alot of filler, but didn't really add to any of the songs on the album. did i miss something? did cradle of filth forget to put guitar solos on the new album? what is this, st. anger?
I liked these guys when I first started out in metal (hahahahaha suck it) and Cruelty was my favourite of theirs. I grew out of them eventually (suck it even more) but I was going through my local second hand store and saw Damnation and a Day in there pretty cheap and it pretty much straight after it was released aswell, good condition too. I had someone else who like it if I didn't but ended up keeping it. Changed heaps to all that other bullshit they've been putting out. Manaquin killed me with that melody. Needless to say I listen to this album if I'm in the same mood I use to listen to Stratovarious 'Infinity'. I get in gay moods, this is gay album.