Dark Knight Rises- Catwoman and Bane cast

Yeah, I nerdgasmed when I heard that today. I am thrilled at the casting, Chris Nolan can get anyone to act well and Anne Hathaway can ACT she just hasn't shown off her best talents. Tom Hardy is gonna be the definition of freaking BEAST at this character.
Yeah I was kinda like hmm... when I heard Hardy as Bane, but I trust Nolan implicitly , I doubted when he cast Ledger as Joker so I resign my right to question his decisions. Hardy was great in Inception, I'm sure it will be awesome. I'm sure this version of Bane will be much different from the comic version however. It really caught me off guard though , never thought I'd see Bane in Nolan's bat-universe. I totally thought Hardy was going to be Riddler.
Really excited about this one, I love both of the newer Batman movies and I think Hardy will be able to be
an awesome Bane, especially after I saw that Bronson trailer.
It'll be interesting to see how they design catwoman.
Of all the characters, I see her as being the worst fit for the aesthetics of the franchise........
Catwoman is boring IMO, but I trust that Nolan will give her more depth then just being something to awake mass boners at the cinemas.

Bane could be cool if they portrait him and the fucked venom drugs well

Now overall I was hoping for some different villians (black mask would have been cool), but lets see.. Im sure it will be great :)
.. But brutal bonus points if Bane breaks batmans back at some point in the movie haha
Yeah, I'm not a huge fan of Anne Hathaway either. I don't think I've seen her in any movies besides the Devil wears Prada (shh), so I can't really judge her acting. Look-wise she's got quite large features on a small-ish face... my friends girlfriend looks quite similar and she's stunning IRL but doesn't translate to photos well at all. Anne's body is banging tho.

And Tom Brady is cool, I liked him in Inception. Chris Nolan really likes to reuse his actors doesn't he?
Tom Brady

I really don't think Bane is going to be a huge muscular dude who wears a luchador mask and breaks batman's back , but I could be wrong. That version of the character would be really out of place in Nolan's universe. He might have the venom that gives him a lot of strength but I doubt he'll be CG transforming into a slightly smaller hulk.
This is interesting.

Can't say I'll end up getting caught up in the hype for this one. Hype doesn't tend to ensnare me as much as when I was younger, but this can only be good. Inception blew me away based on the fact that it was just a damn, damn good movie, not based on pre-release hype. I loved The Dark Knight when I saw it in theatres, now when I watch it I get this feeling that it's mostly a distinctly average film with a few amazing scenes that all came down to Heath Ledger melting away with only The Joker remaining in his place. Hype colours expectations, so I will just ignore anything in the run up to this movie's release and then just go see it and judge it on its own merits.

But Bane and Catwoman strike me as interesting choices. Dunno what this superhero movie obsession with 2 villains per film is though. Weirds me out. Seems whenever it gets done, the movie spreads itself too thin and suffers for it.