thanx dcat, yeah I´m better now...I guess we all have to walk down that path when
dear family members passes away. you know it´s gonna happen sooner or later and in my case we knew it would happen, but you´re really never prepared for it even if you think are...
@Andrea, I hear you

well we all commit mistakes right?
even if the price for our mistakes is high and we loose friends,
but maybe the true friends that we have understands...and we should put more value in those that are left...
btw, are you Argentinan??
I just came back from São Paulo but I´ll write you soon for sure...
how was it in Sörskogen??
I just have to come home this summer, I can´t stand it anymore!
David!! haha här has det bra vettu. hur har du det dá din disk jocke?

är du fortfarande DJ??
va?? nackabussen...oj oj oj ...det var länge sen haha
jag kommer hem i sommar sá kanske vi kan ta en bärs, gillar du Brahma??
det gör jag ocksá, det blir lite för mycket ibland bara haha
sá, snart f´r jag välja, cykling eller Brahma....´d det lutar mot Bramhan haha