death metal band with most outstanding recording history?


New Metal Member
Mar 15, 2006
ok this thread has probably been done to death, and don't think "oh noes, another death metal thread!" but what death metal band do you think has the most outstanding recording history?

my vote goes to Autopsy. not a single bum album.
Bolt Thrower, Autopsy and The Chasm are all worthy suggestions. Incantation and Immolation both belong in the discussion as well.
Arsis sucks, Vader had only one really great album, ditto Kataklysm. Gorguts were certainly amazing, but lots of bands have put together 3 or 4 excellent albums, so the longevity issue definitely rears its head here.
I understand where you're coming from but to me, Vader never disappointed. They went more melodic over time and all, but all their albums were consistently great (I don't count the cover album, though).

Sylvain Houde-era Kataklysm definitely rapes, but the Maurizio-era stuff is not bad by any means. It's nothing special but it's consistently great, and it's pretty much death metal with melody done right. Plus, they pretty much originated the Northern Hyperblast genre, and they haven't gone soft on that. Something tells me that I may not like their newest.

Some of these were just chosen out of pure taste, I have a bit of a soft spot for melodic tinged death metal. Arsis can go to unnessecary wankerage at times, but they have their moments of genius. UiR isn't great, just good. Perhaps it wasn't the best nomination, I suppose.
Immolation, seven good full-length albums in a row (alright, Harnessing Ruin had a few questionable moments, but other than that, they've been really consistent in quality and signature sound for awhile now). No major fuck-ups at all, kinda like Summoning and Nokturnal Mortum (The Chasm too).
Immolation, seven good full-length albums in a row (alright, Harnessing Ruin had a few questionable moments, but other than that, they've been really consistent in quality and signature sound for awhile now). No major fuck-ups at all, kinda like Summoning and Nokturnal Mortum (The Chasm too).

Can't argue with any of that, really.
Man, this is hard, because most death metal bands have had at least a couple mediocre albums. I'll just list some for good measure.

Bolt Thrower
Carcass (even Swansong wasn't completely worthless)
Morbid Angel
Cannibal Corpse
Atrocity (I just ignore Atlantis)
