Death Metal Bands

Yea... he just sounds like he smokes way too many cigarettes, drinks too much whiskey and is out of breath or something lol, I dunno I just don't like his sound.
His vocal delivery is odd... I like it.

I really like The Beast... and The Ultimate Incantation... and Revelation... all their other stuff though... I can live without... especially the newest stuff.
Vader is a pretty good band. I didn't like the vocals at one point but I allowed them to grow on me over time. It's not worth throwing away a perfectly good band over one part of the whole not being quite what I want. Although now that I know what slam death is I can honestly say there are very few of those bands I can listen to. The ones that take their music more seriously and want to expand it beyond noise I can get into. But a lot of it I just don't get.

I seem to be the only one to recommend stuff. If you don't care to listen to old Swedish/Finnish, or Good NA Death Metal then I can't help you. Maybe Nile, Behemoth and cartoons playing Metal are up your alley?

I do listen to old swedish/finnish and american metal. As long as it's good, I don't care where it's from or when it was made. I like a large spectrum of music overall. Dethklok is only good because the cartoon backs the music up.

Im not sure if you checked To Separate The Flesh From The Bones - Utopia Sadistica (2004).

I have not, which is odd since I tend to listen to everything Pasi is part of. Never even heard of these guys... Well until now.


Stefan I do enjoy Benighted, I started listening to them back when you first mentioned them here, I fuckin LOVE the guitar work and drumming. I just wish the vocalist would use less piggish vocals. They write some seriously tight music
Stefan I do enjoy Benighted, I started listening to them back when you first mentioned them here, I fuckin LOVE the guitar work and drumming. I just wish the vocalist would use less piggish vocals. They write some seriously tight music

I think the vocals fit the music perfectly in their case. I'm not a big fan of piggy-ish vocals either but their way of playing is just retarded enough to have 'em :) + he does everything perfectly live and ridicilously loud. No studio cheating :)