Death Metal Bands

I wish I didn't go searching for it...I was reading around and some moron said "Looks like they ripped off Dethklok."

I know I shouldn't get mad over this and just ignore it, but kids are so stupid these days. A band that has been around before they were born and they don't know jack shit.

Waste of time anyways...I'll tell ya what I think about this record.
I wish I didn't go searching for it...I was reading around and some moron said "Looks like they ripped off Dethklok."

I know I shouldn't get mad over this and just ignore it, but kids are so stupid these days. A band that has been around before they were born and they don't know jack shit.

Waste of time anyways...I'll tell ya what I think about this record.

thats disgusting(the quote i mean)
If someone's so fucken stupid to think that Dismember would rip off Dethklok, then fuck them and anyone who believes them. Dismember has more run of the mill memorable riffs than almost any death metal band I can think of, so stupidity is stupidity, I guess.
this meshuggah album is different from catch 33 in the sense that each song is different. with catch 33 it was all one song. and that made it very boring after a couple of spins. obZen is much different....the guitar approach is still somewhat kind of the same, but im definitly feeling destroy erase improve moments in the cd mainly with the song structures and especially the drums. fucking awesome album
Well after a couple listens it is still the same bad ass Dismember. The God That Never Was, is better imo though...but I'll let this one grow on me.
there isn't too much feeling in a Meshuggah song i think... i like the way they are playing music but if i have to choose i will choose death metal
Actually there is enough feeling in Meshuggah's music to explode a planet, but w/e.
I like well-done Death Metal, don't get me wrong here, but the only bands of the genre that can touch Meshuggah in terms of being forward-thinking, intelligent, and convincingly aggressive are Morbid fuckin Angel and Death.
They obviously aren't, who said that? i just made a post sayin that i prefer the Meshuggah type of brutality than Death Metal's type of brutality in general. Nothing too weird about that.
I'm just shocked by the amount of people here who don't listen to old school DM. You'd think a band like Bloodbath would get some over here.

Oh well...I'm having a beer for all of you and blasting some good tunes.

Worship slowed it down a bit...its mood these days are bleak and on the down side. I'm sure we'll have some death metal next though.
I'm just shocked by the amount of people here who don't listen to old school DM. You'd think a band like Bloodbath would get some over here.

Oh well...I'm having a beer for all of you and blasting some good tunes.


I guess you are talking about older oldschool DM like Repugnant etc that is very raw, unpolished and straightforward.
Alot of people here even have trouble getting into bands like Entombed and Dismember which I would say is something in between.
Bloodbath is more dynamic and very, very polished so its a pretty big step in between BB and the 80s DM.
I also think BB attracts more people from many different genres compared to others, obviously the ones allready into older DM but also alot of people from the Katatonia/Opeth-camp etc.

I know there are lots of fans of the older style at the General Metal Discussion section, especially in this thread. Some of them like BB it seams but I get the feeling that many of the oldschoolers dislike BB for the polished sound and catchy riffs, some might also have a problem with BB beeing so popular. You know, satan forbid that DM should be popular. It should be underground and obscure. Hence they stay away from here.

So im not very shocked.