Death Metal Bands

I don't think it's the case of popularity of death metal now that is keeping them away from this's the people on the board. But just Bloodbath being a tribute to old school'd think more people would be into some older stuff...but that's just me wishing and having better conversations with people...I mean here it's like from Bloodbath to "Name some melodic ultra brutal techy prog" band.

Oh well...I made that post when I was drinking anyways. And <3 Stefan...we will keep zee faith alive...blast that Dismember.
I don't think it's the case of popularity of death metal now that is keeping them away from this's the people on the board.

Thats basicly the same thing. The popularity brings people they dont want to be mixed with.

But just Bloodbath being a tribute to old school'd think more people would be into some older stuff...but that's just me wishing and having better conversations with people...I mean here it's like from Bloodbath to "Name some melodic ultra brutal techy prog" band.

I see what you mean and i was trying to explain it.
Dont you agree that the step to Repugnant is even bigger than to Entombed/Dismember? I see bloodbath more as a tribute to the Entombed/Dismember-sound than the Repugnant-style.

Personally, the only real oldschool stuff i listen to beyond
the likes of Entombed and Dismember is Nihilist, mainly cause i recognise som entombed-riffs in it.
The beauty of Repugnant is that it sounds mid 80's without being a throwback in the stupid sense of the word. It's definitely harder to get into compared to something like Dismember for a Bloodbath fan who got there through Opeth, Katatonia or Hypocrisy
I got into Bloodbath by Opeth but after it i get into older stuff very fast

Btw.. the new Dismember album is kicks ass

Somebody here is know anything about Demonoid? They're really cool but I can't find so much thing about them...
I got into Bloodbath by Opeth but after it i get into older stuff very fast

Btw.. the new Dismember album is kicks ass

Somebody here is know anything about Demonoid? They're really cool but I can't find so much thing about them...

Yeah I've got Demonoid's latest album. I was pretty pleased with it. Not bad stuff
Thats basicly the same thing. The popularity brings people they dont want to be mixed with.

I see what you mean and i was trying to explain it.
Dont you agree that the step to Repugnant is even bigger than to Entombed/Dismember? I see bloodbath more as a tribute to the Entombed/Dismember-sound than the Repugnant-style.

Personally, the only real oldschool stuff i listen to beyond
the likes of Entombed and Dismember is Nihilist, mainly cause i recognise som entombed-riffs in it.

Yeah the popularity/fan association thing is pretty self explanatory I suppose.

And I don't think Repugnant is that huge of a step...maybe 5 or 6 years ago I would have said because I was more into cheesy power/melodic metal then and only little old school stuff like Unleashed, Sinister and Cannibal Corpse.

But I just see Repugnant as like the official band that takes up all that early Swedish influence and make it their own...and make one of the best records ever...imo...but I just wish more people can see that...again my own wishing gets in the way of what people like.

But I see more people getting into a Repugnant album than Grave or Dismember...I mean out of my experience...I've only known a few dedicated fans of those bands, but then once Repugnant's Epitome Of Darkness album came was like OHHHHHH FUCK YEAH!!!!! Everyone is all over it...the vinyl sold out and the first pressing of the cd...and they go for decent amounts on there's a very cult fanbase that loves this stuff...then again imagine what happened when Grave or Dismembers first few albums came out.

Ramble, ramble...anyways..Like what you like...and we're all here to hail Bloodbath. :kickass:
And I don't think Repugnant is that huge of a step...maybe 5 or 6 years ago I would have said because I was more into cheesy power/melodic metal then and only little old school stuff like Unleashed, Sinister and Cannibal Corpse.

Dont you see that argument is a little contradicting?
The music didnt change over those 5-6 years, your taste did.

For alot of people i guess Bloodbath might be the bridge into DM (since they are so popular and catchy) and you expect (or wish) them to jump straight to 80s DM, when you said yourself that it took years for yourself to develop that taste.
It doesnt make any sence and you need to see it from the perspective you had then, not now.

Im not trying to pick a fight with you here, it just seams like you still have a hard time understanding why alot of people here dont like that style, yet.

Cheers! :kickass:
Well, understandable...But I'm still just comparing it to the forum that we're in and the whole Bloodbath-Swedish Death Metal Nostalgia-Grave-Dismember-Nihilist thing.

Plus the whole fact that 5-6 years ago I wouldn't come to a place like this...well I mean I did...U.M., but not this forum because I wasn't as big of Bloodbath fan as I am now...more or less some other weaker bands.

But people definitely have different experiences and what not...that's why I added the last line to my last post. Some people crave something like Blasphemophagher...some people crave Threat Signal(Who knows why)...

And I think my whole thing is with 3 or 4 people who said they didn't like Repugnant...Anyways, cheers to you too...I'm a complicated person...And I make random awkward moments like a champ.
I don't know...I hate typing...well I mean I have no problem doing it, but I rather talk to you guys face to face...anyways...

I was going to put in there that a lot has changed scene-wise, technology-wise, music-wise...everything-wise...Which is most likely the reason why so and so years ago I only liked a handful of bands and now I'm cluttered with tons of bands...though all good...not saying they're filler at all.

So this is like half my wishing/half what has changed and are people willing to go beyond searching for something they want, or settle with something that's in front of them.

For example...You have a band like Nightwish and a band like Sextrash...It's obvious a young 16 year old girl in Seattle Washington will look in the store and see a Nightwish cd and be like :O then buy it and play it and be like "that's totally rad and underground, has anyone even heard of them!? omg" And then Sextrash is no where to be found because Wal*Mart and Cogumelo working together? No. But then she gets on myspace and sees all this other stuff....blahhhhh...she somehow gets to Sepultura site that leads her to Sarcofago that leads her to Sextrash...and she HATES IT!!!! because it isn't her taste and Wal*Mart doesn't carry it. And that's how we all went braindead from reading my posts.

...but Sextrash>>>>Nightwish ;)
Of course music in general evolved in that time. What I was aiming at was what you said yourself... "And I don't think Repugnant is that huge of a step...maybe 5 or 6 years ago I would".
The actual difference between Bloodbath and Repugnant is exactly the same now to everyone, as it would have been to you 5-6 years ago. Thats what I meant. Its only your perspective and taste that evolved and made you see/hear things differently and appreciate it.
I very much doubt it has anything to do at all with the changes in the scene or technology.
Since BB is considered somewhat of a superband and probably draws people from other genres, alot of fans might be where you were 5-6 years ago.
Thus they cant take it in yet.

I mean.. 6-7 years ago I couldnt really stand Meshuggah for example (I thought In Flames was the best band in the world back then). I never bothered listening to Meshuggah for years, now they release a new album, I give it a try for some reason and I fucking love it, im going through their older stuff now like its christmas!
What changed? Well, over the years I have learned to love music like Opeth/Katatonia/Porcupine Tree/Edge of Sanity/Memfis etc with alot of progressive and strange beats. Thats what have changed and thats probably why I appreciate Meshuggah now.
That doesnt mean I can expect my friend who just got into Opeth a week ago to also love meshuggah now, it takes time, more for some less for others.
You see what I mean?

I had an argument with EmeticGore a few weeks ago... I had a hard time understanding why he didnt like Entombeds LHP which imo is much closer to BB than Repugnant ever will be, I guess hes not there yet and he seems to be liking alot of the polish/american brutal DM style, so thats that. But he seems eager to try out new bands and I bet in few years when he is tired of that "brutal" stuff he will be blasting LHP, Dismember, and even Opeth that he dislikes so much, nonstop and thinking, damn that dude Qth was right this music kicks fucking arse, or whatever. ;)

I love writing today btw. :p

The point still is that there really is a big difference in sound and style between the two, especially to someone who comes from genres other than early swedish DM, and BB attracks alot of those people too. It doesnt matter if they are a tribute to the old days to them.

Too much text i know. :loco: