Death Metal Bands

I wasn't trying for serious, I literally just improvised the whole thing with just the song layout because I am having many beers and friend got me going. I don't actually plan to do covers of it.
I'll see your terrible slam Death metal band and raise you my own rendition of it, done mostly improvised in 10 minutes! I'm fucking drunk. lmao. I had a blast recording this nonsense, I got the words smiley face in there. :lol:

Holy fuck this is bad, I captured it perfectly!

I don't normally sound like this when I'm trying.

smiley face.... SMILEY FACE!! :lol:

anyway, how do you do that? do you just change your normal growl or?
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smiley face.... SMILEY FACE!! :lol:

anyway, how do you do that? do you just change your normal growl or?

A little I guess, but it's a bit different from how I'd normally do vocals. It's like the no effort version of growling, no warmup necessary or anything. Not having to enunciate anything or use proper inflections makes it pretty easy.

Getting some smiley face tributes in there made it worth it I guess :lol:
A little I guess, but it's a bit different from how I'd normally do vocals. It's like the no effort version of growling, no warmup necessary or anything. Not having to enunciate anything or use proper inflections makes it pretty easy.

Getting some smiley face tributes in there made it worth it I guess :lol:

aight :) we should resurrect the growl thread again probably, some great tips in that one
Dark Tranquillity always fucking delivers. They were one of my earliest metal bands and I've absolutely adored every single album they've done. Easily in my top 5 bands of all time, probably closer to top 3. First time I heard Cathode Ray Sunshine in particular I lost controls of my bowels, it was on repeat for hours as I designed maps for various games. Good times.
I'm going to be investing in some new recording equipment soon, mainly getting a new Condenser Mic for vocal recordings. Not sure where to start though, the one I have now is decent but it has served its purpose and I want to start getting more serious about the little nuances of recording and editing. Anyone here have any experience with a condenser mic for deeper growls in their recording sessions?

I should probably just do a little research on the Sneap forums of something but throwing it out there. I'm thinking of upping my budget quite a bit here too, I can't afford a $1000 mic necessarily unless it was some serious bang for your buck, but I'm willing to go near that. Also trying to decide how much a pre-amp is actually worth to the recording quality. I figured I'd keep my basic one for the Phantom Power but I don't see any real purpose for an upgrade when all I'm doing is recording directly into a soundcard (I already have a very nice one there).