Death Metal Bands

It really is, the vocal have a complete lack of energy. Those style vocals sound so lazy, it makes me think of some fat drunk guy on a chair doing the vocals in between eating pizza. Death metal vocals should smack you in the face not sound apathetic.
I kind of see that shit like most other american music movements that pop up, like screamo, metalcore etc. Not to slam the artists but it all sounds like massproduction with not much effort in creating something new or interesting. Just plough out something extreme for teenagers to rage about and be cool like all the other bands on the block. They could put a pig behind the mic and it wouldnt make a difference.
Listening to a very early mix for some brutal death metal I'm working on.

On that note, how do the musicians here feel about music and money? Obviously we have several people on this board that are actively writing and releasing material. How do you guys feel about money in relation to your music? Is it important to you or do you think of music as a hobby to keep you sane? I only ask because I've always been quite indifferent to the monetary gains of any project I work on. I honestly have no issue recording entire EP's for free, I just love doing it and and hearing the final product. I sometimes think that maybe I should be taking it more seriously. I consider myself to be a pretty good vocalist overall, better than a lot that are being paid for it but so far I've never asked for much in terms of compensation. I just did a guest thing for my friend's band a couple days ago (where I did all vocals on the track) and only demanded some beer :lol:.

If anything it costs me money to play music, but I feel like it's more of an escape and a fun time than something to be greedy about.
I don't give a shit about making money per se, the important part is getting money to the band itself to fuel future stuff :) If money was a priority my gear would be on eBay and I'd be searching for a second job :)
exactly :) the income of the band is only important to make the band progress (in other ways than musically), eg for car gas, rehearsal space costs, instruments, plane tickets and lodging for touring purposes, studio time etc.

if you then happen to have money left, well that's just great, but probably not the case when playing death metal :p
I like the new Amorphis. Mission is a superhit imo.
Its nothing awesome and not as good as Eclipse or Skyforger, but defenitely better than the last one. Like I expected its a perfect "heading to work-album". :)