Death Metal Bands

This is a weird sound for Decapitated. Does their last album sound like this too??? It's kind of an odd Meshuggah-ish pseudo Djent/Metal mix. Doesn't sound much like their old material. I really like some of the guitarwork but some of it is kind of boring. Vocals are pretty much just sorta there. Nothing stand out about them but not horrible.

I will say I'm interested enough to play that song a few more times for those sweet guitar lead parts.

Well yeah, Carnival sounded like this but vocals was not as deep, so its a step back in the right direction there. Organic Hallucinosis actually sounded similar to this too imo just a bit heavier mix/production.
Not DM but here it is.
I met the girlfriend to a member from Pain in the subway and she couldn't keep the secret, I had to promise not to tell anyone, i feel so special. :tickled:

I heard Peter has a new secret project in the pipeline with members from another famous industrial metal band.
He is probably a really busy guy these days.


"Here's a duo I'd have never put together- Rammstein frontman Till Lindemann and Hypocrisy (and Pain, ex-Bloodbath, etc.) frontman Peter Tägtgren have teamed up to form a new project titled Lindemann.

Seeing as Tägtgren handles pretty much every instrument known to man and does some serious death metal vocals, I'd imagine he'd be handing that aspect of the project while Lindemann lends his iconic voice to helm the project.

There's really nothing else known about the group right now outside the fact that they exist and have a Facebook page, so we'll see what's up soon! I guess Rammstein really is on an extended break. Then again, if Lindermann is as interesting as Rammstein guitarist Richard Kruspe's Emigrate, we have something awesome to look forward to."
Listening to Destroyer 666 for the first time since like 2000 when I listened to Unchain the Wolves. It left a really bad impression on me back then and I never looked into them again. I was kind of picky about my music back then and bad/mediocre production turned me off of music it shouldn't have. I was still listening to Dimmu Borgir style slick productions back then... :erk:

So it's a LOT better than I remember, even the production is quite nice. The only issue I had was that in the track Genesis to Genocide I could swear he was saying "THE VAGINAS!" in the part he is saying "would you join us?". I had to look up the lyrics because that was all I could hear :lol:. So it looks like I have some catching up to do, not sure if I should start with their latest or just start at Unchain the Wolves and go from there.

Answering to old posts ist krieg!!! If you have not yet done so then take any chance you get to see Deströyer 666 play live, hands down one of the best live acts I have ever seen. They are just so much better live then on record it isn't even funny and they are pretty awesome on record to begin with. :kickass:
Currently hearing this for the first time. I used to listen to Disbelief quite a bit but I slowly forgot about them over time. This is the first new song I have heard in like 8 years and it's pretty surprising, I am used to a more sludgy melodic sound than this but I'm digging it.