Death Metal Bands

So the new Katatonia is pretty fuckin weird, right? Not sure what to think after the first few listens, but Jonas singing is just too weird and sounds out of place in so many songs.
I haven't payed it especially close attention yet, but yeah the placement of vocals has thrown me off so far, and not in a good way. Nor have I found moments that really stick with me in the way Katatonia have done ever since they switched to this depressive rock path.
Well then its about time all ya'll listened to it then, its been out for a few days now gad daymn.

Im still kind of underwhelmed. Serein and Old Heart Fall are incredible songs and they raised my expectations, the rest of the album is pretty far from what those two songs offer. And its a really, really soft album.
I like soft stuff, as well but im just not seeing the appeal for the majority of the album, and a lot of it feels disjointed.