Death Metal Bands

FIFTH TO INFINITY, progressive Black Metal (Opeth gone Black metal?) featuring former Opeth drummer Martin Lopez. Their debut album is available now on Spotify, recommended. This album is really growing on me.

Thanks for the share! He's my favorite drummer... his work on the Opeth albums was just mind blowing. Especially Ghost Reveries, masterful drumming. I got into drumming because of him. This band sounds pretty good I'll keep an eye on it! Could use better production, but I guess that's just black metal for you.
Thanks for the share! He's my favorite drummer... his work on the Opeth albums was just mind blowing. Especially Ghost Reveries, masterful drumming. I got into drumming because of him. This band sounds pretty good I'll keep an eye on it! Could use better production, but I guess that's just black metal for you.
Production is pretty excellent on this i.m.o., no complaints there. Martin is really on it again in this album, if you love his drumming, you need to hear this album!