Death Metal Bands

how many times I have heard that? hah, would you call morbid angel generic knowing that they were the ones that defined their style? well, same with CC, they have been doing this since the 80s, they have defined their own style... who cares if is generic when the music kicks ass anyways? bloodbath must be one of the most generic bands nowadays then!
anyone heard the new Napalm Death? i read in terrorizer that it got a 9/10, so i looked into it, it's really awesome!:cool:

I haven't heard the whole thing yet, but I will this saturday at the album release show :cool: :D I've heard a few songs off the album and I'm lovin' it.
From the Hypocrisy Forums:

To close the rumors in the net,

I'm the Teaser Man !!! Teaser n°1 will be online soon. Just need to fix some sound level and waiting for peter's Green Light.

Teaser invasion starts soon !!!!!

Be patient !!

ps: no needs to ask me for informations, i've just stop here for few minutes and give u the information, then, i will be back only for spreading the teaser when Dday will be on !

how many times I have heard that? hah, would you call morbid angel generic knowing that they were the ones that defined their style? well, same with CC, they have been doing this since the 80s, they have defined their own style... who cares if is generic when the music kicks ass anyways? bloodbath must be one of the most generic bands nowadays then!

i would call morbid angel bland, but your point is valid haha, they started the genre, without them, we wouldn't have anything else! but i don't think they can compete with what others have done with what they started. i do enjoy entombed, they could be lumped into the same catagory perhaps.

the new bloodbath is kinda like that, fairly standard Death Metal, but i still enjoy it, and that's what they wanted. everything up until NMF was incredible though, seemed like there was a lot more variation perhaps i am just too hard on things, or perhaps i need to give TFM another good listen.:erk: (maybe on vinyl:kickass:)
fuck i wish i lived in europe for all the festivals:cry:

it seems all we have here is ozzfest and gigantour and other such shows, which is awesome if you love lamb of god and megadeth.....................

I went to Germany for Bloodshed Over Bochum.
I want to go for a few festivals this summer :heh:
You can do it! :kickass: :kickass: :kickass:
i'm a student, i don't have that kind of money to go all the way to germany :(, ill just move to europe when i'm done, although vilewoman, i appreciate your enthusiam (fuck i wish i could spell)

soon soon :lol:, i don't have any kind of image shack and i don't have a picture from the last.....................3 or 4 months(or a camera) :p