Death Metal Bands

I have a question about influences. For anyone that started playing death metal in the early-mid 90's in sweden, who were you more influenced by? American bands like Death and Morbid Angel? Or bands like Entombed and Nihilist from sweden? Did you get a lot of american death metal back in those days without the internet?
well i can say mikael akerfeldt always quotes morbid angel as one of his main influances growing up, although how he came across them i couldnt tell you

the second one is a bit boring imo, and i mean i like doom, but its just too repetative for my liking and reminds me of something ive already heard before, i dunno, maybe you should put some drums or bass or lyrics or something to back it up before you ask, maybe people could help out a bit more with some more material:)
the guitars on the first song i like though:)