Death Metal

Any opinions on "Master" (US)? I'm listening to the first two full length albums since i got the reissues today. Fucking great death metal. How does their other albums compare to the first two?

Very very underrated band, imo. The only other stuff I'd suggest getting is Unreleased 1985 Album which is an awesome collection of demo stuff and like three other tracks. It's their best material imo.
^So that's why it doesn't sound like the usual grunty lows of Will Rahmer or Karl Sanders. I'm interested in learning more about brutal death metal techniques but really am puzzled at the majority of the vocals, I'd love to learn to do frog vocals though.
i've realized i really don't like death/brutal death bands that just use tremlo picked riffs, could anyone recommend me a brutal death/death band that uses the slammy groovish (don't know if thats a good way to describe it) chords and doesn't have extreme gutteral vocals? ie not the really low almost gurgling burp sounding ones. preferably ones that are less known, i know ones like skinless, aborted, benighted etc.
Kronos is FANTASTIC, but only Colossal Titan Strife can accurately demonstrate this. Not to say the others aren't good, but they pale in comparison.

Everything by Mithras is also at least quality, but Words Beyond The Veil is their masterpiece as far as I am concerned.

I'm not really an Origin fan.

@Enemy242, listen to Saprogenic - The Wet Sound Of Flesh On Concrete.
Ignivomous - Eroded Void of Salvation EP has just been released. I ordered the die hard version which looks killer. I can't wait to listen to this since their demo was one of the best from last year.
Tiamat fans. How does Clouds compare to their first two? I really like SC and TAS.

It's not nearly as good as the first two and is also weaker in comparison to the one following it, Wildhoney, but I were you I'd still give it a try. Tiamat go under quite a transformation following the first two so I'd say sample them before you go and blindly purchase them.
It's not nearly as good as the first two and is also weaker in comparison to the one following it, Wildhoney, but I were you I'd still give it a try. Tiamat go under quite a transformation following the first two so I'd say sample them before you go and blindly purchase them.

Thanks for the advice. I can't find any way to sample those albums. Perhaps you or someone could PM me a couple tracks from each.
I'm not a fan of Wildhoney. It's not really metal; more like a darker version of Pink Floyd with some metal elements thrown in. I actually have the original that I bought soon after it came out. I would be willing to sell it or trade it if someone wants (preferably trade).
So I finally listened to Dead Congregation i Graves Of The Archangels, and I would say that this is the most important album in this style of Death Metal since last year's The Chalice Of Ages. Absolutely phenomenal.