Death Metal

Job For A Cowboy got ridonkouslously popular for a band that is and was extremely less than average.

Plus, where to start with Suffocation?

Coming to Newport (about 30 mins away from where I live) in April and I always see you lot talking about them, so I thought I'd see if they were worth going to.
Icons of Evil was a pretty boring album in my opinion. As for Suffocation, start with either Pierced From Within, Despise the Sun, and/or their self-titled release.
Icons of Evil was a pretty boring album in my opinion. As for Suffocation, start with either Pierced From Within, Despise the Sun, and/or their self-titled release.

Well, I'll give it some more time (a few more spins), but my first impression is that Icons of Evil is indeed boring. And I'll also try the other albums you guys mentioned.

Suffocation's self-titled album kicks ass!! :kickass:

I'm also curious to understand what happens with Job for a Cowboy. The album doesn't sound bad IMO, and I always see them getting a lot of hate in here. They won an important prize at Metal Hammer's Golden Gods 2007 award (best underground band if I'm not mistaken).
Metal Hammer is run by cocksucking posers.

Well, that explains everything:lol:

I really like the magazine, some interesting interviews, nice releases and live shows reviews and a decent space for extreme bands. Not to mention the promotional cds and dvds you usually get with the mag.

Their 200 best metal albums special edition (including albums from the last 20 years - 1986 / 2006 period) was very good. Slayer's Reign in Blood was picked best album.
You should pick up Terrorizer Instead.

Will try it, for sure. Never had the chance of checking it.

The only american metal magazine I ever saw was Decibel (one issue with the "Metapocalypse" cover). Didn't like it, tbh.

Most brazilian metal mags are awful; Roadie Crew being an exception.
Just listened to the new Arghoslent album, and wow.. fucking amazing.
This surpassed my expectations, certainly a step above IB.
I was worried about the vocalist being shitty but that is not the case, Genocider is great. Anyone else hear it yet?