Death Metal

Which album of A Velvet Creation and Mirrorworlds do you like the most? I´ve been thinking about it and i cant say which. I´d say A Velvet Creation for listening with my headphones in a dark room and Mirrorworlds for the car and for blasting loud in the stereo.

A Velvet Creation, quite easily. That's no discredit to Mirrorworlds though; I've been listening to it a lot lately and it's damn good.
Which album of A Velvet Creation and Mirrorworlds do you like the most? I´ve been thinking about it and i cant say which. I´d say A Velvet Creation for listening with my headphones in a dark room and Mirrorworlds for the car and for blasting loud in the stereo.
Well, I'm not the best judge of this, because I've listened to Mirrorworlds about 10 times as many times as A Velvet Creation. That being said, Mirrorworlds is amazing imo

Any Dark Millennium fans? Fuckin' rape I say \m/
They are good in different ways,A Velvet Creation is more intricate and weird while Mirrorworlds is pure straightforward adrenaline,"Demons" might be one of the most kickass headbanging songs ever.
Man, I really wish that more DM would make use of putting bass more forward in the mix like The Chasm did on From the Lost Years.

If they did that on Deathcult NOTHING could beat it.
I checked out the new SepticFlesh, which is one word now, and it is decent. Nothing amazing, anyone care to explain what they thought.
I got some sampler with 2 tracks by Severed Survival. Solid stuff. Some bits were kinda slam death-y and I really liked them.
I checked out the new SepticFlesh, which is one word now, and it is decent. Nothing amazing, anyone care to explain what they thought.

As much as I thought I would dislike this band, I happen to enjoy their sound. It's got a modern death metal sound that is actually done right, and the symphonic tendencies fit the overall mood of the music quite well.
If the production on Deathcult wasn't shit nothing could beat it. It's a great album regardless of that.

I think the production is perfect outside of the bass being non-existent.

I doubt that it'd be able to beat TRitSiO even with any production changes one might have in mind.