Death Metal

I just listened to Nile's In Their Darkened Shrines and it's better than Annihilation of The Wicked and Ityllphallic. The riffs and vocals are better. Now I must listen to Black Seeds of Vengeance, apparently that's Krig favorite Nile?
Black Seeds of Vengeance is lacking and not so great, it's got good songs, but it's too bad there's nothing on the album after the song Black Seeds of Vengeance that tops it, good album, just not as good as AOTW or In Their Darkened Shrines.
It's literally been years since I've heard Black Seeds of Vengeance(I don't think I've listened to it since it was first released), but I remember liking it alot less than Amongst the Catacombs of Nephren-Ka.

My vote goes to In Their Darkened Shrines as favorite Nile album.
Amongst The Catacombs Of Nephren-Ka might be my favorite Nile album. Its clearly not their best album though. I'd say that Annihilation Of The Wicked is probably their best. Great songs and atmosphere.
In Their Darkened Shrines is the best by a mile
Then probably Black Seeds of Vengeance
Annihilation of the Wicked is somewhat over-rated I think
Ithyphallic's a solid album, but easily the worst out of all the aforementioned
Never heard Among the Catacombs... so I can't comment.
Yeah, I gotta listen to the Nile Amongst The Catacombs CD sometime.

Yeah you do. It's quite a bit different from what they're known for, but Karl Sanders really shows what he can do. It's a very vicious album, that takes a bit of time to get used to, but it's worth it. Not to mention it has some heavy Lovecraft inspiration, so that's always a plus.
^What little I heard from it seems very epic driven, also what I heard from Nile seems to use the same power chord types as Morbid Angel, at least that's how it sounds on record. Like this kind of chord.
The open string power chord gives it a certain sound, Nile definitely has used it somewhere, but you hear it in Morbid Angel's God of Emptiness song.
When it comes to Nile, its probably Shrines as my favourite album, but Seeds is quite close. I personally thought Ithyphallic was pretty awesome, but I haven't listened to it in a little while. Haven't heard much of Catacombs or Annihilation but what I have heard sounds super, I must try and get Catacombs someday.

Opinions on the new Deicide? Its still got a "meh, its alright" from me, but there are quite a few good riffs scattered around it. I'm starting to think I shouldn't have bothered getting it, and just stuck to the old albums. That said, the free patch isn't without its charms.
Opinions on the new Deicide?

Well, I've only heard the two songs they've released online but in my opinion it sounds like more of the same. I wasn't that impressed with their last album, though it was flashy, it just didn't click like it did for a lot of other people. I'll be able to form a more solid opinion when I actually hear the whole thing. I do really like the cover though. Now if only the music matches it...
What's some good very lovecraft-influenced stuff? I've found stuff with serious Lovecraft influences tends to be really epic and awesome.
What's some good very lovecraft-influenced stuff? I've found stuff with serious Lovecraft influences tends to be really epic and awesome.

Well Morbid Angel, Nile, and Darkified are what come to mind initially. There a plenty of Lovecraft inspired acts out there, and as noted, they are usually pretty good.