Death Metal

SIMS said:
The problem isn't the riffs, it's the lack of any clear purpose, which leaves them sounding exactly like what they are - professionals going through the motions.

Geez, are you for serious?

The only problem is the riffs. Well, that and the shithead lyrics, but the riffs. Weak sauce. Listen to Death and Obituary for Floridian. Or Nocturnus. Listen to something that's whole shtick isn't "oooh me scary."
Well, the rhythms have certainly been pared down to fit into a nice rock 'n roll backbeat, but that's a symptom of the larger issue I raised: it's all just a whole lot of noise about nothin'.
I see.

From now on my only preferred death metal will be those bands that fit a purpose or manifesto.

Fuck those dolts who listen to music because, you know, "it sounds good"
I was-a-thinkin' he meant something else when he said it's all about nothing. So I'm treading softly, lest I get cowpie on my boots. :)

All Deicide is great, even those accepted to be "shit" (i.e. Insineratehymn).

Get past the "satanic" shtick, and there's plenty of good, chunky, riff-tastic old school Floridian death metal to be found.

I actually like Insineratehymn, it's my favorite newer Deicide. I agree with your statement that all Deicide is great, Once Upon the Cross is epic, imo.

All Deicide is great, even those accepted to be "shit" (i.e. Insineratehymn).

Get past the "satanic" shtick, and there's plenty of good, chunky, riff-tastic old school Floridian death metal to be found.
Yeah, I've always thought they were overlooked, always making good music, but I will be getting the new Deicide sometime soon.
I see.

From now on my only preferred death metal will be those bands that fit a purpose or manifesto.

Fuck those dolts who listen to music because, you know, "it sounds good"

But they're music isn't even about sounding 'good' at this point. It's constructed with no thought or care whatsoever, as if the only objective was to get the piece of plastic out so they can make a little more money.
So has anyone checked out the samples from the new Unleashed album, Hammer Battalion? I have to say that I find this to be surprisingly good, easily the best that I've heard from the band since at least Across The Open Sea, if not since Shadows In The Deep. I might actually be picking this up.

Check out two full songs and three 1-minute samples here:
Hate Eternal is pure death metal, but I don't really see what do critics see on it. They're average tbh.