Death Metal

Anyone here like the Polish dm band Hate? I think these guys are fu**in' killer, and I have finally found they're newest releases on of all places. I listen to they're back catalog constantly and really enjoy all of it, they're album Awakening of the Liar may be my favorite. The Scrolls is just one of those songs I hear and cannot go w/o headbanging :headbang:
If you get any Deicide, don't bother with anything but the first two. That's all they have that is worth listening to.


All Deicide is great, even those accepted to be "shit" (i.e. Insineratehymn).

Get past the "satanic" shtick, and there's plenty of good, chunky, riff-tastic old school Floridian death metal to be found.

All Deicide is great, even those accepted to be "shit" (i.e. Insineratehymn).

Get past the "satanic" shtick, and there's plenty of good, chunky, riff-tastic old school Floridian death metal to be found.

The problem isn't the riffs, it's the lack of any clear purpose, which leaves them sounding exactly like what they are - professionals going through the motions.