Death Metal

Jumpin' Jesus (trust me, they're good)
In-Quest (first two albums, not really "old-school" but you'd dig I think)
Caducity (also not "old-school" but whatever, awesome shit)

I agree with JJ but I could never really get into old In Quest or Caducity. Sounded too 'safe' to my ears; nothing really stood out.
so I see you've been listening to Repulsion

I saw them live last year and they were just fucking nuts. absolutely ridiculous. I loved it
Tonight was actually the first time I listened to them. I really liked Horrified--extremely dirty and to the fucking point. :kickass:

btw, Obituary has grown on me. But fuck Morbid Angel.

Just listen to them a little more, start with Domination and work backwards. Those first four (yes, fucking FOUR) albums are all awesome in their own way... I'm a Christian (!!!) and therefore conveniently positioned to hate MA, and yet I would rate them among the best death metal bands of all time. Possibly the best.

also I too prefer BATS to Altars.

Nec: most of those bands are also good, the weird distinguishing factor with brutality is that few people have fucking heard of them despite their badassery... also, immolation are boring. incantation, on the other hand, rule.
Don't start with Domination. The lyrics will have you laughing too hard to hear the album. Start with Covenant or Altars first. Then, skip Domination and get Formulas.

Even Trey is ashamed of Domination....
because the lyrics on altars are so much better...

Formulas is ok. Older vox kicked alot more ass, though
domination is nowhere near as good as the first ones, definately start from the first album and move up, i don't think i've ever met anyone who hated morbid angel. i've met people who hate obituary which is ridiculous even though i can see how some people can complain, but i've never seen someone who hates morbid angel.
Early In-Quest really isn't "safe" at all and is actually pretty fucking unique.

Yeah I wouldn't be surprised that this is true, I just haven't given their early stuff much attention. Caducity though, I have tried a fair bit to get into them but with no luck--just not for me I guess.
By the way, random rec. Too bad they broke up because Vastion fucking ruled. Abstract tech death kind of like a darker Demilich with a generally fast pace similar to Sacramentum.