Death Metal

Jumpin' Jesus (trust me, they're good)
In-Quest (first two albums, not really "old-school" but you'd dig I think)
Caducity (also not "old-school" but whatever, awesome shit)
Yes, Brutality is super underrated. Know one knows of them, while a shit band like Deicide turned out to be the most popular band to come out of the Florida scene. I also like Brutality better than Obituary, Death, and Malevolent Creation.
Jumpin' Jesus (trust me, they're good)
In-Quest (first two albums, not really "old-school" but you'd dig I think)
Caducity (also not "old-school" but whatever, awesome shit)

Darkified - Good!
Jumpin' Jesus - Couldn't find samples.
In-Quest - Only heard from the later albums, sounds like a good -core band.
Caducity - I like it.


EDIT: Checking out Benediction now, they were in Caducity's top friends, fucking good.
Darkified - Good!
Jumpin' Jesus - Couldn't find samples.
In-Quest - Only heard from the later albums, sounds like a good -core band.
Caducity - I like it.


EDIT: Checking out Benediction now, they were in Caducity's top friends, fucking good.

Listen to the first two In-Quest albums, very different and awesome.
Yes, Brutality is super underrated. Know one knows of them, while a shit band like Deicide turned out to be the most popular band to come out of the Florida scene. I also like Brutality better than Obituary, Death, and Malevolent Creation.

Yes! Brutality were so much better than most of the Florida scene, what the hell happened.
You people need to just listen to more Autopsy and shut the fuck up about the slightly more underground band. IMO. kthx. Brutality is great, but not fucking mind blowing, and doesn't come near the best works of Possessed, Hellwitch, Autopsy, Obituary (yes, fuck off to those who whine about the vocals or whatever their problem with them is), Divine Eve, Crimson Relic, Incantation, Immolation, Morpheus Descends, Master, Death Strike, Cianide, etc. My point is the US Metal, once again, is usually short-shafted and underrated, and stop fellating Brutality and stop bitching about Deicide.

Fuck. God damn faggots.

[/super serious post]
Screams of Anguish is fellatio-worthy but I can agree that most of those bands are better when it comes down to it.
Yes! Brutality were so much better than most of the Florida scene, what the hell happened.

I sold Screams of Anguish and When The Sky Turns Black:mad:(I loved these albums) so it's cool they are getting reissued. Brutality was far superior to bands like obituary and deicide,etc.., not as good as Morbid Angel or anything, but what US death metal bands are. I might like Autopsy just as much and a few specific albums(monstrosity-imperial doom,Disincarnate-dreams of the carrion kind and the first Immolation).

On Deicide. I remember seeing something about how their new album was written in 3 weeks and was thinking why would a band member admit that especially when you can tell. Deicide's last 4,5 cds actually sound like they are written in 3 weeks(six feet under does the samething) and the band would complain how RR would rush them,etc... Raplh Santello lays wanky power metal solo's over some generic music and now Deicide are somehow musically elite in death metal. $

On a side note Gorefest -false is very underrated. The Glorious Dead,Reality-When You Die and State of Mind have to be some of the best death metal songs period.

Death Metal musicians these days are just poor musicians and can't even write songs/riffs,get decent production jobs,etc.. what the fuck happened. US death metal bands sound exactly the same and there are thousands of these bands and their albums sound like demo's. rly fuck off!