Death Metal

Also, Perfidy Biblical rules too. Random obscure "orthodox" death metal in the vein of Morbid Angel and the like.

Wow - that "Gryphons of Baphometic" song kicks ass. I love that kind of Morbid Angel-esque riffage and soloing. If you can point me to some bands like that with a fuller sound (Perfidy's is a bit thin for me), I will thank you manyfold.
It's hard to find but I have seen a few places carry it in the US...

Vihris: Yeah the production on that is pretty gaytarded. Listen to the song "Dreams", that is the first song from the only album I have.
The new Flesh album is absolutely killer combinations of old school swedish death metal, filtered through old a gnarly old autopsy sound before being sprinkled in the occasional Dissection-esque minor key melody sauce.

the new deicide leaked so i'm about to give it a listen. i have high hopes....

oh, i just listened to the new opeth. no suprises there pretty much the same opeth formula which means it's pretty high quality tunes. no dissapointments
the new deicide leaked so i'm about to give it a listen. i have high hopes....

I kinda enjoy the "Stench of Redemption" album, mostly thanks to the guitar work. Don't care much about the vocals, and don't like their early stuff, but I'll probably check the new one. Anyway, the new song available at Myspace sounds average...
oh, i just listened to the new opeth. no suprises there pretty much the same opeth formula which means it's pretty high quality tunes. no dissapointments

It's earsex.

Female vocals scared the shit out of me on Coil, but blastbeats soothed my fears. Can't wait to buy the spec ed and hear those covers (and Derelict Herds).
You're a strong man, Ender.

And no, Coil is the short little atmospheric opening, Heir Apparent is the bootlegged one