Death Metal

OSDM is hit or miss with me personally. I really dig shit like ATG, Death and the newer style like Deathevokation, but I can't get into stuff like Entombed or Darkthrone's first album
^Yeah, I did that when I was on high speed, but since I'm not on High Speed anymore I haven't gotten anymore AIM transfers.
And yes Ozzman, I do quote people sometimes. :lol:
I just see it to be more time consuming than a ^.
Actually their black metal albums were trendy; their original background was in death metal. When they saw that BM was becoming cool among their Norwegian friends, they decided to take a stab at it.
How was Black Metal trendy when Darkthrone released the first Norwegian Black Metal album ever? :p

Death Metal was what was trendy at the time, as evidenced by Amputation, Old Funeral, Thou Shalt Suffer, etc. Not that it matters.