Death Metal

great band that plays OSDM.

Just got their new ep in the mail today, it kicks ass.


great band that plays OSDM.

Just got their new ep in the mail today, it kicks ass.

You pulled me away from my Lord Vicar for this? Well, doesn't sound too bad, except the drums sound like frying pans, and the guitar chainsaws, and the bass like an actual double bass. The vocals are pretty putrid though. Overall, even though the production sucks, I think it probably works to it's advantage. I will say one thing, that cover rocks. I'll have to play this next time I go grave robbing.

By the way, speaking of Entombed and Swedish DM, I'm currently listening to Interment. They had some activity in the early '90s it seems but went quite for a while, and I guess they just recently revived and released a split with Funebrarum on Blood Harvest just a little earlier this year. Check them out.

Oh hell, and while we're on the topic of Swedish DM, might as well check out Excruciate too. Good old school shit.
Yes, Interment and Excruciate are good

Ironically enough most people (including themselves) think that the album is too "trendy." I realize Death Metal was big then, but I still find it funny considering it is probably better than most of their other shit.

Haha, yeah. I vaguely remember them saying something in a video interview on my version of Soulside Journey that they weren't comfortable in the scene or something.

But yeah, definitely their best.
How was Black Metal trendy when Darkthrone released the first Norwegian Black Metal album ever? :p

Death Metal was what was trendy at the time, as evidenced by Amputation, Old Funeral, Thou Shalt Suffer, etc. Not that it matters.

I would argue that even though it was the first Norwegian BM full-length, it was not the first Norwegian black metal...they were most definitely influenced by other guys playing BM at the time...I'm pretty sure they didn't just turn from DM to BM immediately for no apparent reason.

But yeah it doesn't matter.
I'm going to jump on this bandwagon. Soulside Journey > other Darkthrone.

After all these years, the BM stuff got old and boring. But that first album still kicks so much ass. That closing riff to "Cromlech?" Holy hot damn!
So who knows something about Dream Death? I received a numbered copy of Journey Into Mystery today (#20) and I was wondering what this is out of? Is this the first press? Is this the only press (the archives don't mention any reissues)?