Death Metal

"Once Sent from the Golden Hall" is still one of my favorite death metal albums, and they've had good material since then, but unless they did something other than run that familiar sound into the ground like they've been doing, I don't see why I'd need anything else by them.

But the special edition does sweeten the deal:

I gave Morbid Angel's Covenant a spin yesterday after having it on the shelves for over a year (possibly more). For some reason I had it in my head that the production was a bit dry on this album, but this is totally not the case! Such a killer record and Vincent's vocals are down right nasty. Altars is still my favorite from them, but my view on Covenant has done a complete 180. What does everyone else think of this album?
Covenant and Altars are constsntly at war for my personal favorite album by Morbid Angel. Though Blessed Are the Sick was the first MA I think I ever purchased, so many years ago.