Death Metal

Nile is some "crazy shit" in that I've yet to hear anything that complex and brutal that's also that fucking awesome.
It's kind of like Nile though in that people who don't know anything more brutal think it's some crazy shit.

I don't like Nile, but yeah it is really crazy and how does something being say more brutal than them according to you or others make a band more crazy. huh?

He thinks bands that are more brutal than Nile for whatever reasons are more crazy than Nile or something!. I don't know someone help me out.
by the way, Severe Torture's Sworn Vengeance is pretty cool. Anyone else know enough about this band to recommend more?
Devourment occasionally sound too raw, like they were recording a rehearsal.
I guess they kinda were, tbh.
But yeah, I'd prefer a better production.