Death Metal

tbh I don't trust your opinion on bands that venture into deathcore. no offense.

I never said I was a fan of the new cd? I just said it isn't as bad as everyone makes it out to be. Its not that good either. But just based on the thousands of other shitty deathcore bands out there this album is decent.♠
he has a lot of good stuff in there, but then there's Cattle Decapitation (meh + asshole fanbase = double meh) and Waking The Cadaver and is into shitty deathcore iirc.
he has a lot of good stuff in there, but then there's Cattle Decapitation (meh + asshole fanbase = double meh) and Waking The Cadaver and is into shitty deathcore iirc.

Yep im totally into shitty deathcore in fact that is all i listen to.

i dont see how people say waking the cadaver is "scene" i havent ever met another person who listens to them or let alone knows who they are.

there are tons of scene kids at my school but none into that shit.

there is like 2,500 kids at my school and like 3 other high schools of the same size in my town. You'd think i would have at least noticed some scene kids listening to them if they were "scene."

and if not who cares if scene kids do listen to them. if scene kids started listening to in flames would you stop listening to them?
WTC aren't "scene" they are just very Myspace-y and that's the only fucking reason anyone knows about them, because their music is pretty bad for the most part. Scene =/= Myspace. There are non-scene people on Myspace you know. WTC is more popular with NY/NJ area slam wiggers than scene fagz.

If you think Molesting The Decapitated would be better with clearer production, you're probably missing out on the point or something. Anyway, I'd suggest Cephalotripsy if you like earlier Devourment but dislike the production; essentially the same thing with less memorable songs and gurglier/MORE indecipherable vocals.
Nick sent me a song called "Autoerotic Asphxyiation" I think, by Devourment and that had the kind of production I'm after for this kind of stuff.
Nick sent me a song called "Autoerotic Asphxyiation" I think, by Devourment and that had the kind of production I'm after for this kind of stuff.

try the re-release of "Butcher the Weak."

though both versions have better production than molesting the decapitated.
If you think Molesting The Decapitated would be better with clearer production, you're probably missing out on the point or something. Anyway, I'd suggest Cephalotripsy if you like earlier Devourment but dislike the production; essentially the same thing with less memorable songs and gurglier/MORE indecipherable vocals.
This. Molesting the Decapitated with better production would be sort of like Transylvanian Hunger with better production.

True Dat.

Zeph, I think you'd like Abominable Putridity - In the End of Human Existence.

Its good quality production and is Devourment-worship that kicks ass.
I agree with this post :kickass: