Death Metal

If you don't have em:

Morbid Angel - Altars Of Madness
Death - Scream Bloody Gore
Suffocation - Pierced From Within
Obituary - Cause Of Death
Decapitated - Winds Of Creation
Brutality - Screams Of Anguish

Well I got altars of madness and scream bloody gore. The Others didnt really do anything for me when I gave them a listen.
Well Considering Im somewhat new to the death metal scene I got

Death-Individual Thought Patterns
Death-Scream Bloody Gore
Morbid Angel-Altars of madness
Cannibal Corpse-Tomb of the mutilated
Dying Fetus-Grotesque impalement ep

ok then... check out these discs:

Cannibal Corpse- The Bleeding
Deicide- Deicide; Legion
Morbid Angel- Blessed are the Sick
Death- Leprosy
Arghoslent- Galloping through the Battleruins
Behemoth- Demigod
I actually Prefer buying cds over the internet, Im going to buy 6 cds hopefully tomarrow and want them all to be Death Metal got any suggestions?

Amorphis `the karelian isthmus
Disincarnate `dreams of the carrion kind
Entombed `left hand path
Autopsy `mental funeral
Edge of Sanity `unorthodox
Dismember `like an everflowing stream
Why did dying fetus have to go and change their logo? their first logo was badass. now its just gay fatty bold lettering.
I think it was meant for shock factor toward those unaccustomed to those kind of band names. What a better way to scare and/or intrigue people and make a statement by putting an offensive band name in big white bold letters easily legible from across the room in a record store.
I think it was meant for shock factor toward those unaccustomed to those kind of band names. What a better way to scare and/or intrigue people and make a statement by putting an offensive band name in big white bold letters easily legible from across the room in a record store.

all bands do that when they get more popular. like Katatonia.
From Crimson Massacre's MySpace page:

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Line of Sight

A return to the studio is imminent (3 days) after multiple delays and interlocking schedule quagmires got the best of us. As always, progress is greater than realized.


Hopefully this gets finished in time to be released this year. If so, I have no doubt it will be leagues ahead of everything else in the genre.