Death Metal

I don't mind the term melodic DM just don't see how a band like Norther or CoB are even death metal alittle.
My band recorded another song, its called Reflection of Torment. If you would like a listen follow the link in my sig.
You know I would.
This is really good, dude.

because you've been into melodeath for 6 months and as of right now they are amazing. you will grow some pubes one day, and you will realize you listened to some poser faggots.
Stop being a dick.
First off, Norther are not "poser faggots," just flat out no. I'm not a huge fan but there's nothing poser about them.
Secondly, pulling seniority like that can only be done if you know what the fuck you're talking about.
Thirdly, again, stop being such a giant, gaping asshole. You're just being obnoxious.

Norther strike me as a better CoB. For some reason, there's something about Bodom that pisses me off, I feel like they're not serious, and I'm not into shredding constantly. I'm going based on listening to Norther's myspace briefly 6 months ago, though, so don't hold me to this.

Dude the Greys has pubes for his pubes.
This is truth.

Don't worry man, I'm into all of that stuff: Bodom, Norther, Kalmah, etc.

I've been listening to metal for 4 years, so you have a friend here

I don't like CoB, but Kalmah, Norther, etc I dig. And I also have been into metal for 4 years or so. Remember that if you like a band and someone tells you not to like them, that person is a worthless asshole and you can ignore their opinions.
I dont know the exact model, I believe its a 8 or 16 track recorder, not sure which one. He probably used my beta58A mic to mic the amp, but I cant be sure as I wasnt there. And we had like 5 mics for the drums, just a bunch of different ones. Vocals were with a MXL 990 condenser mic and TubePre preamp.
Stop being a dick.
First off, Norther are not "poser faggots," just flat out no. I'm not a huge fan but there's nothing poser about them.
Secondly, pulling seniority like that can only be done if you know what the fuck you're talking about.
Thirdly, again, stop being such a giant, gaping asshole. You're just being obnoxious.

Norther strike me as a better CoB. For some reason, there's something about Bodom that pisses me off, I feel like they're not serious, and I'm not into shredding constantly. I'm going based on listening to Norther's myspace briefly 6 months ago, though, so don't hold me to this.

fuck that. those big ol' faggots cut off on that big scene of theirs when Bodom made it huge. And now I guess their making their 'own style' of shitty music which is marked by their N album. Fuck them and any band that came through the gay little harsh vocals melodic power metal bullshit.

I really, really hate that scene.
That's just great. Abuse the system so when the forum actually needs Deron's attention he'll be less inclined to pay attention because fagots keep crying wolf.
Hooded Menace

I know I've promoted this band on more than one occasion but I highly recommend anyone to check out their new song posted on Razorback Records MySpace page. I'm personally blown away.

Brutality is indeed very good. They're a very good bridge between oldschool and modern DM methinks :) I love the first riff in Race Defects. So heavy.