Death Metal

fuck yeah, i just wish i was the age i am now but back when they were in their prime and headlining shows. curse my parents for that, i take that personally

I've been kicking my self in the ass because I passed up the oppportunity to see them, Averse Sefira, Rotting Christ, and Belphegor. I wasn't into those bands at the time.
I've been kicking my self in the ass because I passed up the oppportunity to see them, Averse Sefira, Rotting Christ, and Belphegor. I wasn't into those bands at the time.

aww man, you missed out on a great show. every band was fucking great, except some black metal band from texas. can't recall the name but they were terrible. black metal is only good when it comes from norway and Scandinavia. I heard one from Israel, and were pretty damn good.
black metal is only good when it comes from norway and Scandinavia.

This is retarded for the following reasons:
Norway is in Scandinavia.
No style of music is geographically dependent. There's shitloads of good non-Scandinavian black metal.
no shit, i forgot about that, i feel stupid. i know that there aren't any geographically dependent music, but the best i have heard come from there

try xasthur, nachtmystium, deathspell omega, graveland, behemoth, darkspace, Anaal Nathrakh, Celtic Frost, Dissection, Falkenbach, Naglfar, Nokturnal Mortum, Rotting Christ, Sorrowstorm, or any of the other myriad of good black metal bands not from norway and then speak. kthxbai.
Brutality 'screams of anguish'

Spawned Illusion

Exposed to the Elements


These Walls Shall Be Your Grave

On a side note if someone could send me Sinister 'diabolical summoning' that would be nice.
These Walls Shall Be Your Grave is an amazing fucking song.

On the topic of Sinister...anyone else think Afterburner is pretty damn good?
Comments vary from terrible to awesome. What to think now.

EDIT: On other note, Breeding the Spawn wasn't reissued?!