Death Metal

Covenant is really weak compared to the first two, I honestly don't understand why it gets so much raise.

I agree.

I thought "Blood Fire Death" was the standard Bathory album? It's the only one I have & I haven't fully looked into any of his other shit, but one of these days I should get around to it.
Altars of Madness is 'the' MA album.

I'd go in this order.

Altars of Madness
Blessed Are The Sick
Gateways To Annihilation
I decided to give Necrovation another shot and am actually liking it a lot more than I thought. Not as much as old Bloodbath Kaamos or Nominon. I have Breed Deadness Blood downloaded and if someone could send me Chants of Grim Death that would be nice because can't find it.

On a side note does anyone have Morpheus -in the arms of.... in great quality.
I think it's pretty cool that Morbid Angel decided to release album names in alphabetical order. Other than that, I am not at all familiar with their music.

TBH I think they're good, but very dated sounding. You probably wouldn't really be able to get into them. I'M NOT SAYING THEY SUCK they're just really dated sounding.
MA are great. It took me a while to get into them, though, which is surprising since they're "THE" death metal band.

I could see a case for them being the best DM band of all time, although personally I think that crown belongs to Suffocation.

The atmosphere on that album is so immense, no other Morbid Angel album has that atmosphere, no other album either for that sake.

BATS is good, but it has a lot of pretty weak songs. I do enjoy the atmosphere but Covenant and Altars are a lot better track for track.
Morbid Angel are undoubtedly classic. Sometimes I prefer the Tucker era stuff to the Vincent era, though "Blessed..." is one of my favourite death metal albums. Unfortunately I wasn't feeling it too well when I saw them, although they did play a good show with a great setlist.

Just listening to this band, Imprecation, pretty good!
MA are great. It took me a while to get into them, though, which is surprising since they're "THE" death metal band.

I could see a case for them being the best DM band of all time, although personally I think that crown belongs to Suffocation.

BATS is good, but it has a lot of pretty weak songs. I do enjoy the atmosphere but Covenant and Altars are a lot better track for track.
That's interesting because Morbid Angel has plenty of upper melody parts Metalheads who don't like palm muting may enjoy, while compared to stuff like old Sinister and Suffocation which has tons of plam muting.