Death Metal

So I'm writing a compare contrast essay about death metal and black metal. I will be speaking generally about the main features of each, but for the last paragraph I would like to get specific and list some defining albums for each genre. I would like to focus on those that I either own or have heard enough of to describe somewhat accurately. For death metal I was thinking

Cannibal Corpse- Tomb of the Mutilated

Morbid Angel- Altars of Madness

Death- dont have any of their albums but so im going with Scream Bloody Gore

suggest a couple more for me, perhaps The Karelian Isthumus?

I dont want to make a separate post in the black metal thread, so for bm Im thinking:

Bathory- self titled

Darkthrone- maybe Transilvanian Hunger?

Mayhem- Deathcrush

Emperor- In the Nightside Eclipse

Gorgoroth- Pentagram

Throw me some feedback please. :)
agreed with your death and MA choices, i'd probably get rid of CC and add autopsy 'mental funeral' and possessed 'seven churches'

for bathory i'd prob put 'under the sign...' instead of the s/t but whatever. the mayhem pick ought to be 'de mysteriis...', and i'd add burzum 'hvis lyset tar oss' as well. agreed on darkthrone/emperor.
Yeah, its really hard to narrow down the essentials, but I picked CC because though not everybody is a fan, they really do exemplify the gore and brutality aspect of death metal, especially on this album. I think they kind of took it to the next level, you know? I picked Deathcrush simply because I have it and because it came out in 87 its rather old so I thought maybe it was an album that paved the way for their later material, but I will use DMDS instead. I dont have Autopsy or Possessed, so I cant really do them justice if I use them.
And Im thinking perhaps adding Gorguts- Considered Dead to the death metal albums, opinions?
Forgot about Suffocation, thanks for reminding me. I have Effigy of the Forgotten, was just listening to it last night I think lol. Predecessor to modern slam/brutal death imo. I dont actually have any Carcass. :(
Effigy was THE FIRST brutal death metal album, and even helped influence pure slam stuff like Devourment. Immensely influential and GREAT album.
And Im thinking perhaps adding Gorguts- Considered Dead to the death metal albums, opinions?

Considered Dead is classic and one of the best DM albums ever and would make my top 10 list. Indeed one of the most significant DM albums.
Effigy was THE FIRST brutal death metal album, and even helped influence pure slam stuff like Devourment. Immensely influential and GREAT album.

Hold on, I thought you said "Molesting the Decapitated" was THE first brutal death metal album... Or was that cookie who said that...? I know for a fact it was one of you guys.

fleshmountain, you need to put 5 albums from each genre in your essay, so make them good ones. Effigy would be a great album to put up there for DM. I also like the idea of putting Cannibal Corpse on there, for popularity & influence reasons. The other Florida death band would be Death with "Scream Bloody Gore". There is so much encompassed between Death & CC in the Florida scene, which was the most important DM scene, IMO. I'm thinking Pestilence "Consuming Impulse" & Massacra "Final Holocaust" for the other two albums.

Other contenders would be Immolation <3 , Gorguts, & Morbid Angel, but I personally think there is more diversity in the other 5 bands.