Death Metal

Hold on, I thought you said "Molesting the Decapitated" was THE first brutal death metal album... Or was that cookie who said that...? I know for a fact it was one of you guys.

MTD was the first SLAM DEATH album, which is a distinct kind of brutal death metal. EOTF was the first BRUTAL DEATH ALBUM.
Thanks for the input guys. Glad you agree with the Considered Dead choice, I srsly dont know how I lived before I got that album. And shredhead, I dont have any Pestilence and I didnt particularly care for what I heard from Massacra. Massacre on the other hand... top notch shit there. I like the idea of 5 albums for each genre though, good suggestion. I'll have the rough draft finished tomorow probably, I need it done for Thurs but Ill post it tomorow and see what you guys think.
As it stands it shall be

CC- TotM
Gorguts- CD
Death- SBG
Morbid Angel- AoM
Suffocation- EotF


Mayhem- DMDS
Bathory- Under the sign
Darkthrone- Transilvanian Hunger
Emperor- ItNE

I actually want to put an Immortal album for the fifth black metal album, cause imo they represent well the nature based bm in some ways, whenever I listen to them I can really feel the winter in the music you know? Plus I think they kind of pushed bm in a bit faster direction. But I am open to suggestions for an essential album that really shows the nature concentrated aspect of bm.
Fuck I need to increase my collection. If only cd's were free. You guys keep suggesting stuff I dont have.

I did order a patch with the cover of that Burzum album though, I should get the album next. :)

edit- k I just bid on a copy on ebay. Hopefully I win, buy it now is 30 bucks, I'm not paying that much for a cd.