Death Metal

I'm watching the Bloodbath `wacken carnage` DVD and just noticed something other than the fact Dan is a lefty, his low E,etc.. is on the bottom and high strings are on the top, so fucking odd. Dan is the fucking man.

Holy shite, you're not kidding. That may very well be the strangest thing I've ever seen in metal - srsly...

Yeah i've listened to bloodbath for a while and am not too into it. All of their albums are pretty mediocre. I've really never given Nominon a chance, so i think now would be a good time too.

At V5: I've loved slugathor and ignivomous for a while now.
Yeah i've listened to bloodbath for a while and am not too into it. All of their albums are pretty mediocre. I've really never given Nominon a chance, so i think now would be a good time too.

Have you ever played guitar before?? Nobody said anything about their actual music... As for me, I haven't heard much by them, but I think they're pretty damn cool.
I asked for recs and he recommended Bloodbath. I said i didn't like them that much. I have no idea what you're trying to say. And no, i don't play guitar.
So what does everyone think of this emergence of new old school dm bands(does that make sense?). I'm loving it. Its adding a lot to the death metal genre especially when the modern dm gets mixed with the old school stuff as with Dead Congregation and Necrovation. Recs would also be appreciated

This new resurgence is producing a lot of really cool bands. Here are some more bands that are similar:

Tribulation : Link
Eviscerated : Link
Bastard Priest : Link
Degial : Link
Bloody Sign : Link
Mandatory : Link
Swallowed : Link [Full Demo can be downloaded]

Keep an eye on Blood Harvest Records. They are releasing a lot of these bands as well as other bands of similar style.
I asked for recs and he recommended Bloodbath. I said i didn't like them that much. I have no idea what you're trying to say. And no, i don't play guitar.

No dude, you just took my post completely out of context. I was replying to Greys when he was talking about the dude that played left-handed-upside-down-strung-guitar for Bloodbath. I posted the video just because I was watching it & it showed what he was talking about. I never tried to recommend you Bloodbath; I don't know where you got that from; but it's all good.
I asked for recs and he recommended Bloodbath. I said i didn't like them that much. I have no idea what you're trying to say. And no, i don't play guitar.

Hmmm, I see now. You were responding to Greys about Bloodbath because he recommended them to you; but that Reply button sure comes in handy for reasons like this.