Death Metal

Dawn of Possession is really damn boring; the sound is dry and starchy as hell. Unholy Cult is definitely their most brooding album, and the drumming on it is probably the least obtrusive of all Immolation records. (Seemingly)everyone's favorite Close to a World Below is just highly overproduced and meandering.
I'm the purveyor of some pretty strange views, in general, so don't get offended if I say something out of the ordinary.
Maybe I should start smoking weed in order to find my inner self and become one with the album.
Immolation is a lot more dimensional,complex/intricate,original, and technical than Suffocation. I don't listen to them anymore(Dawn of Possession once in awile), but yeah they're much better than Suffocation.
He's a fag if he thinks Immolation are more technical considering they just are not. Effigy... was the beginning of both technical brutal death metal and even hinted at the beginning of slam death. Immolation may be equally IMPORTANT, but they ain't as technical.
Immolation's compositions are more sophisticated. Suffocation is for subsimian brutes, whereas Immolation is for well-bred and highly educated ubermenschen like me.
Not that it matters much since both bands can be quite technical when they want to, but Suffocation does strike me as a bit more so. It just isn't immediately apparent since they're also catchier than Immolation. Not that Suffocation are terribly catchy compared to most bands (especially a couple of decades ago when that "riff salad" type of song structure they used was much less common), just more so than Immolation.
Suffocation, Immolation & Death are my 3 favorite death metal bands, but I must say that find Immolation to be overall slightly more technical than Suffocation. It's pretty much a toss up though.
Devian `ninewinged serpent is one of my favorite newer Death Metal album and notice no one else here listens to it and strongly recomend it. EX: Nominon guitarist Joinus who plays on Diabolical Bloodshed and EX: Marduk vocalist Legion(do not care for Marduk on the other hand).

Enjoy, excellent stuff

Suffer The Fools


Burning Daylight
There's a difference between technicality and complex song structure, tbh.

Yeah. I wouldn't call Immo "technical," really, they just have unusual song structures and a lot of layering. So far that hasn't really done it for me but I'll see if Dawn of Possession changes my mind about that