Death Metal

Technicality really usually does equate to time signature changes and shifts in song direction.

in a general sense, I think it implies demonstrating a high level of proficiency with your instrument(s).

anyway, I take what i said earlier back, immo do have a lot going on beyond just unusual composition- but I still think suffo are the more "technical" band.

and thirdly, a question: knowing newbury comics, I imagine I might have to go for some newer material if I purchase an immolation album. I liked what I heard off of Shadows in the Light; would that be a good call?
I think pretty much most death metal bands are proficient as hell with their instruments...technicality generally has to do with oddball time signature changes and how "schizophrenic" a band sounds. I told vihris this last night:

Suffo are like a crazy serial killer who kills on a whim. He's precise but doesn't really plan things out.

Immo plans everything out and carries out killings with extreme prejudice and cunning, but they lack the "violent" and insane touch of a whimsical killer like Suffocation

I think pretty much most death metal bands are proficient as hell with their instruments...technicality generally has to do with oddball time signature changes and how "schizophrenic" a band sounds. I told vihris this last night:

Suffo are like a crazy serial killer who kills on a whim. He's precise but doesn't really plan things out.

Immo plans everything out and carries out killings with extreme prejudice and cunning, but they lack the "violent" and insane touch of a whimsical killer like Suffocation


You told that to vihris, too?

I liked my milk analogy better
Some of you told me that I should've
Married her
But all I can remember is where I buried herrrrrrrrrr

I guess I knew it all along
I killed the enemy
I fucking buried you!
that sounds intriguing, elaborate

Me (12:13:40 AM): it's a homogeneous suite with Immolation
Andy (12:13:45 AM): lmfao
Andy (12:13:50 AM): with suffocation it's more like skim
Andy (12:13:52 AM): or 2%
Andy (12:13:54 AM): :-[
Me (12:13:59 AM): yea
Me (12:14:03 AM): easier to digest
Me (12:14:06 AM): but it tastes better
Evocation: The Creation of Dead Calm Chaos - Angel of Torment.

Awesome song. I love the lead section especially.
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I think it should be considered one of the albums that bridges fans of both OSDM (Swedeath esp.) and melodic/Gothenburg DM...besides, have you ever heard a band called DISMEMBER!?