Death Metal

You pretty much encapsulated in one post everything I hate about melodeath.

lol. but seriously, Stockholm > Gothenburg

Gothenburg melodeath is crap. Stockholm Sunlight Studios stuff is where its at when it comes to Swedish death metal
At The Gates and early Dark Tranquillity (and a few other bands) are not to be ignored.
Of course Grotesque, but I was sticking with Melodic Death Metal bands.

You should give Skydancer another chance.
Hey does anyone know if the band dr. shrinker is any good? OSDM from the u.s. they have a compilation album featuring all their demos from the 80's/early 90's
ok cool, I wasd just a bit unsure about it because of some of the demo reviews on MA saying how horrible the production was and what not.
I just started listening to Illdisposed's Four Depressive Seasons. Now, what I wanna know is, WHY DOES NO ONE EVER FUCKING TALK ABOUT THIS?

Excellent riffing old-school death with breaks for acoustic and symphonic experimentation. Fans of abnormal old-school death (Phlebotomized et al) will definitely want this...
I loved these guys, are they even still around?

For Hell Awaits Us All, Deeds of Flesh are super, consistant band, cosistantly kick a**, and releasing albums that are, imo, above par w/ other dm releases.

Listening to alot of Impaled songs reciently,such a heavy a** band, also, I heard they signed to a new label.

We did :headbang:
Check out this one-man project from Ohio.


All Shall Perish
Mutilated Spastic Iguanas
Into Eternity
Beneath The Massacre
Jungle Rot

Sounds Like:

Groovy slam riffs(which range for brutal to upbeat) complemented but never over shadowed by grind, mixed with thrash with blusey solos and random breakdowns. Basically, taking everything I like about every extreme genre and combining that into my own style.
I just started listening to Illdisposed's Four Depressive Seasons. Now, what I wanna know is, WHY DOES NO ONE EVER FUCKING TALK ABOUT THIS?

Excellent riffing old-school death with breaks for acoustic and symphonic experimentation. Fans of abnormal old-school death (Phlebotomized et al) will definitely want this...

Yeah, good album indeed. The guitar tone is fucking gargantuan.
Anyone listen to Sons Of Azrael? I know the style isn't original, but it's still very good. I like the BM influence they incorporate.