Death Metal

It says that free downloads will be unavailable for the next eight hours. But I don't think I've seen this message ever go away. Well,gonna have to wait and see if it does this time.
Sendspace is not good for long-term sharing. The uploaded files are deleted within a week, I think.
Ah, it's okay.
2 more hours to go.I hope all this waiting is worth it.
IN FLAMES! I realize most people on this thread are talking about american death/brutal death metal, but I wanna throw some love at Sweden (though they have their share of straight up death metal too!). In Flames and Dark Tranquility are too of the most polished, melodic-yet-brutal, fucking insane bands I've ever heard. The vocals are extreme but intelligable, and fucking amazing. The melodies are awesome, but the music is still really intense. Get The Gallery and The Mind's I by Dark Tranquility and Lunar Strain and The Jester Race by In Flames. And while we're on Sweden, let me bring up At The Gates. Slaughter of The Soul - fast, heavy, intense, and utterly brilliant. Every one should own it. In terms of more modern Gothenburg stuff, Amon Amarth - brutal and intense, but melodic. Not too musically talented, but solid chops and great musical sensibilities. Check out Once Sent From The Golden Hall and With Oden On Our Side. Anyhoo...Nile are cool too, but the voxx are too deep for me. Vader, Burn To Black, Dew-Scented, Entombed, and Obituary KICK ASS!
well.. your post certainly is all over the place lol. anyways, i adore DT, and amon amarth. Very catchy music, but im afraid their newer releases are very lackluster. Actually Oden on our side is great, but im more talking about Dark Tranquillity. i've never really given at the gates any real spins. i have the sky is ours sitting on my desk, i may spin this tonight.
IN FLAMES! I realize most people on this thread are talking about american death/brutal death metal, but I wanna throw some love at Sweden (though they have their share of straight up death metal too!). In Flames and Dark Tranquility are too of the most polished, melodic-yet-brutal, fucking insane bands I've ever heard. The vocals are extreme but intelligable, and fucking amazing. The melodies are awesome, but the music is still really intense. Get The Gallery and The Mind's I by Dark Tranquility and Lunar Strain and The Jester Race by In Flames. And while we're on Sweden, let me bring up At The Gates. Slaughter of The Soul - fast, heavy, intense, and utterly brilliant. Every one should own it. In terms of more modern Gothenburg stuff, Amon Amarth - brutal and intense, but melodic. Not too musically talented, but solid chops and great musical sensibilities. Check out Once Sent From The Golden Hall and With Oden On Our Side. Anyhoo...Nile are cool too, but the voxx are too deep for me. Vader, Burn To Black, Dew-Scented, Entombed, and Obituary KICK ASS!


Edit: Phr33kFTW definitely listen to that ATG album. It requires time and effort to get the utmost enjoyment out of it, much like most superb releases.
IN FLAMES! I realize most people on this thread are talking about american death/brutal death metal, but I wanna throw some love at Sweden (though they have their share of straight up death metal too!). In Flames and Dark Tranquility are too of the most polished, melodic-yet-brutal, fucking insane bands I've ever heard. The vocals are extreme but intelligable, and fucking amazing. The melodies are awesome, but the music is still really intense. Get The Gallery and The Mind's I by Dark Tranquility and Lunar Strain and The Jester Race by In Flames. And while we're on Sweden, let me bring up At The Gates. Slaughter of The Soul - fast, heavy, intense, and utterly brilliant. Every one should own it. In terms of more modern Gothenburg stuff, Amon Amarth - brutal and intense, but melodic. Not too musically talented, but solid chops and great musical sensibilities. Check out Once Sent From The Golden Hall and With Oden On Our Side. Anyhoo...Nile are cool too, but the voxx are too deep for me. Vader, Burn To Black, Dew-Scented, Entombed, and Obituary KICK ASS!

Skydancer > The Mind's I
Though the Mind's I is good.
Also, Early At the Gates > SOTS
Your speaking like none of us know these releases. Maybe he's a troll?
Took me a long while to get into TRITS and The Buring Darkness, but I'm glad I did, they are some of my favourite albums, and I will never be spinning SOTS again that's for sure.
IN FLAMES! I realize most people on this thread are talking about american death/brutal death metal, but I wanna throw some love at Sweden (though they have their share of straight up death metal too!). In Flames and Dark Tranquility are too of the most polished, melodic-yet-brutal, fucking insane bands I've ever heard. The vocals are extreme but intelligable, and fucking amazing. The melodies are awesome, but the music is still really intense. Get The Gallery and The Mind's I by Dark Tranquility and Lunar Strain and The Jester Race by In Flames. And while we're on Sweden, let me bring up At The Gates. Slaughter of The Soul - fast, heavy, intense, and utterly brilliant. Every one should own it. In terms of more modern Gothenburg stuff, Amon Amarth - brutal and intense, but melodic. Not too musically talented, but solid chops and great musical sensibilities. Check out Once Sent From The Golden Hall and With Oden On Our Side. Anyhoo...Nile are cool too, but the voxx are too deep for me. Vader, Burn To Black, Dew-Scented, Entombed, and Obituary KICK ASS!
You pretty much encapsulated in one post everything I hate about melodeath.
IN FLAMES! I realize most people on this thread are talking about american death/brutal death metal, but I wanna throw some love at Sweden (though they have their share of straight up death metal too!). In Flames and Dark Tranquility are too of the most polished, melodic-yet-brutal, fucking insane bands I've ever heard. The vocals are extreme but intelligable, and fucking amazing. The melodies are awesome, but the music is still really intense. Get The Gallery and The Mind's I by Dark Tranquility and Lunar Strain and The Jester Race by In Flames. And while we're on Sweden, let me bring up At The Gates. Slaughter of The Soul - fast, heavy, intense, and utterly brilliant. Every one should own it. In terms of more modern Gothenburg stuff, Amon Amarth - brutal and intense, but melodic. Not too musically talented, but solid chops and great musical sensibilities. Check out Once Sent From The Golden Hall and With Oden On Our Side. Anyhoo...Nile are cool too, but the voxx are too deep for me. Vader, Burn To Black, Dew-Scented, Entombed, and Obituary KICK ASS!
Old In flames was good. But their new stuff, especially their new songs on their myspace, are metalcore.