Death Metal

hmmm, ive always preferred Terminal Spirit Disease. then again, i dont fellate this band near as much as most hear, ANUS, or elsewhere.

for sweden, give me dismember, EoS, Runemagick, early Tiamat, or mid era Hypocrisy
Apparently by everyone's reactions, The Red in the Sky is Ours is the best album, but I haven't heard anything from it, so that's why I saidI'dgo for the other classic.
First off, correct that immediately and buy the fucking album. Second of all, Slaughter of the Soul is NOT a classic by any stretch of the word. It's a worthless album, quite frankly.
Slaughter of the Soul isn't really "the other classic" unless that's code for "this other album isn't very good, so it's a classic letdown" and somehow I just doubt that's what you meant.
At the Gates is one of the few death metal bands I've gotten into so far, but I think they're pretty amazing at their best.
I wasn't being entirely serious. I just don't care for melodeath (speaking for the Gothenburg variety, of course).
The vocal style on The Red is a bitch. And the production is rather inappropriately thin, I think.

Hardly flawless, but a good album.

whilst they're similar in a sense they clearly have pretty different aims behind them, in both cases fitted perfectly by their respective production jobs methinks.

Don't agree.