Death Metal

i like arghoslent, but yes, i find they are hyped a bit too much for what their music delivers.

and yet early runemagick, atrocity, and post diabolical conquest incantation get nary a mention. quite the conundrum
Dead Congregation's Graves of the Archangels is so full of win, even on the first listen. Anyone fan of Onward to Golgotha should get a kick out of this.

I think it has a stronger Immolation influence in the music, but the Incantation is certainly there.
Hype...ignore the hype, just listen to it.

I never thought I'd hear the term 'hype' associated with a Nuclear War Now Productions release. It's almost annoying.
it's very good.

my order for slumber of sullen eyes was just confirmed. the hype better be right. im always wary when it comes to european death metal. the american style is more to my liking