Death Metal

Don't listen to her, Derek. It's more pop-oriented and I'm not sure if it would be your cup of tea. For the style they are doing though, it is wonderful. I would check out their MySpace and things before purchasing any of it.
I don't post a lot in here but I'm a lurker, I know you get it a lot, but this is actually the first time I completely agree with you.:cool:
The Karelian Isthmus and Privilege of Evil are some of the best death metal has to offer.

Well, I guess I'll have to get Privilege of Evil next. The Karelian Isthmus is indeed kicking my ass.

Eclipse is fucking amazing

Ozzman, I bought Eclipse a few years ago, and to be quite honest, I didn't listen to it very much. I remember it sounds a lot "lighter" though. Pretty good production, also.
Anybody here ever learned to play some Cryptopsy on guitar? I'm learning Graves of The Father and it's somewhat difficult for me.
Anybody here ever learned to play some Cryptopsy on guitar? I'm learning Graves of The Father and it's somewhat difficult for me.

If I remember correctly from the time I listened to your myspace page, even your own songs seemed difficult for you to play. :p Keep practicing I guess...
If I remember correctly from the time I listened to your myspace page, even your own songs seemed difficult for you to play. :p Keep practicing I guess...
Not really, I just don't use metronomes when I play, I made a video of myself playing Testament's Practice What you Preach, then everyone can see I'm not so bad. :p
And for Ozzman:Because I don't think about it.
If I remember correctly from the time I listened to your myspace page, even your own songs seemed difficult for you to play. :p Keep practicing I guess...


I would focus on practicing and not trying to play specific styles and if covering a song start with something basic and easy at your level since you're obviously in the beginning stages. I know you like bands like Nile,etc.. but you're not even close or at all on a similiar level and they're not going to make you a good guitarist when you can't play. I think you're looking to far ahead not realizing you need to learn first.

I'm also curious to hear/see you playing a Testament song.

I would focus on practicing and not trying to play specific styles and if covering a song start with something basic and easy at your level since you're obviously in the beginning stages. I know you like bands like Nile,etc.. but you're not even close or at all on a similiar level and they're not going to make you a good guitarist when you can't play. I think you're looking to far ahead not realizing you need to learn first.

I'm also curious to hear/see you playing a Testament song.
I should have the video of me playing the Testament song Sunday night via MySpace and/or Youtube. I tried to upload it on there via a friend's computer and it took too long since it's a 266 MB file.