Death Metal


I don't think this album gets the fellating it deserves.
i'm fellating it right now.:headbang:
I got me Deicide's self titled and it is great, I should've got this sooner. There's so much vocal variety and intense parts, some songs aren't as strong as others but the solos are played very well to go with the feel of the album. Sure there's some basic riffage here and there but it's good and that's what counts.
As has been said before... Ribspreader's new album fucking rocks. I picked up Severed Savior for the first time earlier and enjoyed it...and also enjoyed Nochaa's Tortured to Death.

I don't think this album gets the fellating it deserves.

The album is hands down, fucking killer. Been a huge fan of the band along time and they are better then Behemoth at their best when it comes to blackned death metal.
I got me Deicide's self titled and it is great, I should've got this sooner. There's so much vocal variety and intense parts, some songs aren't as strong as others but the solos are played very well to go with the feel of the album. Sure there's some basic riffage here and there but it's good and that's what counts.

The guitar solo's are actually atrocious and not thought out at all. RR made their guitarists get lessons from Ralph Santelo in the middle 90's.