Death Metal

Hey now... JFAC went from terrible... to just boring.

That's still a pretty big improvement... if they keep improving... maybe they will be good. o_O
this blasphemogapher release from last year fucking slays. the riffs and drumming are superb and mixed perfectly imo and has a druunen esque vocals to it. anyone else dig it!?
Who's heard of Quo Vadis? Any of their albums worth checking out?

I think they will appeal to some people. I was recommended them from someone I respect, and wanted to like them, but was not really moved by their music. I think it is loosely prog thrash death. Actually, now that I remember it correctly, they sound an awful lot like later Carcass sometimes, which is not prog death thrash.
Who's heard of Quo Vadis? Any of their albums worth checking out?

Mmmm... quite surprising that some people on this thread never heard of Quo Vadis. They were only one of the best Death metal bands from Canada. Too bad they broke up. Did you know that the drummer is a Physics professor?
Mmmm... quite surprising that some people on this thread never heard of Quo Vadis. They were only one of the best Death metal bands from Canada. Too bad they broke up. Did you know that the drummer is a Physics professor?

They didn't break's just that most of the members left. They're still active but with new members.
Some Necros Christos news..

A new album entitled Doom of the Occult, is due to be revealed on the 9th day of the 9th month of 2009.

Been looking forward to this. so many great DM releases this year.
Yeah this year is pretty great imho. Ignivomous is done recording Death Transmutation, which will be the best traditional death metal album of the year, probably. Info below:

Recording on the debut Ignivomous full-length "Death Transmutation" was completed as of last weekend. Tracklist:

Hedonistic pain ritual
Death Transmutation
Bereft of the intelligible realm
Beckoned to a global tomb
A world upon nihil
Non-euclidian Maelstrom
The alchemy of suffering

7 tracks of suffocating darkness and churning horror.Artwork is being finalised at present - expect a release through NWN! Productions mid 2009.