Death Metal

I have to admit I never listened to "Concealed" but as I am listening To "Fragmentary Evidence" again I am trying to picture female vox as being a part of the album make up. I don't really see how it worked out....or maybe it didn't. Whatever, guess this album goes the same way many others before the bin.

On another note...that Denial album was brutal as hell. and I've never really been that overly impressed with Mexican death metal.
I have yet to listen to the new Augury but I'm not really expecting much. Concealed is a pretty good album that I always wished was more interesting to me than it actually was because aesthetically/thematically it was interesting but I barely ever made it through it. Very meandery and meh, and a lot of genre-cramming for the sake of it. I like their concept but it really needs work. I'll listen to Fragmentary Evidence soon and see what I think but going by what people are saying, I doubt I will enjoy it that much. You never know with me though. ;)

RE: Defeated Sanity...anyone who thinks Psalms of the Moribund is better is a retarded asshole.
I really don't get the Augury hate. I do think the FE is better than Concealed.
using less female vocals this time around was a good choice imo. This album is crushing from start to finish.

Worlds Beyond The Veil is phenomenal, and better than Forever Advancing...... Legions imo.
i will agree with you on this one. One of those albums that takes you on a journey, with every listen you become more engulfed in it.
People who complain about the production misunderstand the album imo. It definitely has a more cosmic feel, though the drums are definitely pretty hyperbolic a lot of the time. Besides, the shitty modern/clean/boring production on Behind The Shadows Lie Madness ruined it for me...very sterile and boring album. Worlds Beyond the Veil is probably one of my top modern death metal albums.
People who complain about the production misunderstand the album imo. It definitely has a more cosmic feel, though the drums are definitely pretty hyperbolic a lot of the time. Besides, the shitty modern/clean/boring production on Behind The Shadows Lie Madness ruined it for me...very sterile and boring album. Worlds Beyond the Veil is probably one of my top modern death metal albums.

This...except the part about Behind the Shadows Lie Madness, because I thought this album was kick ass. In the end though Mithras is undeniably the effin shit.
Great, I'll check out Worlds Beyond the Veil then, thanks... and possibly Behind the Shadows Lie Madness some other time.

Been listening to Hieronymus Bosch - The Human Abstract a lot too, great stuff.
Death Metal would have to be one of my favorite sub genre's of Metal. My all time favorite Death metal bands would have to be:
Cannibal Corpse
Six Feet Under (yea, I went there)
Morbid Angel
And, uh... (dare I say it?) Arch Enemy.
Especially the earliest stuff which is definitely proto-death/thrash. But, no I wouldn't put them on a list of death metal bands, that's pushing it.