Death Metal


Absolutely loving this so far.
damn wtf i didnt know church bizarre broke up :(

listening to Sic Luceat Lux (lol they must really like the ninth gate movie) and the 3 "new" songs on it are fantastic.
Yeah, Church Bizarre was among the best newer bands around. I'm considering attempting to do a posthumous interview with them.
I like them, but my opinion is not necessarily the majority view of the board. War of Attrition is where I would start with them, and work backwards.
they rule! looking forward to their 2009 album Descend Into Depravity.
Dying Fetus seems to be hit or miss in my experience. Some tracks are really awesome, very tight, other ones the drumming is somewhat off time and overall sound is kinda shit.
Dying Fetus' best album is their debut Infatuation with Malevolence IMO. Destroy the Opposition and Killing on Adrenaline are great too, but I personally didn't like their newest War of Attrition at all.