Death Metal

Anyone heard the band Hooded Menace? Ass kicking death/doom!

It's great. Andy just couldn't see that over his ego and hate for Razorback (which I kinda share, but can recognize gems in that fog of average regulareness-death-doomness).
i hope you MP3 warriors actually buy that album. it's such a good album

didn't you bitch at dodens for complaining about me having downloaded the Excoriate album?

Either way, you can be certain I'll purchase it, but I don't think I'll download this one.
@ doddens, yes it's been out for 3 weeks. i have both the lp/cd :)

and.. Mort Divine i was mostly joking haha. but yes bands like this deserve your support.
@ doddens, yes it's been out for 3 weeks. i have both the lp/cd :)

and.. Mort Divine i was mostly joking haha. but yes bands like this deserve your support.

Yeah, I will probably buy it in a couple paychecks time anyways. Next one goes right towards the credit cards.

I did buy the Excoriate album btw :) Still my AOTY at this point.
The new Slugathor sounds like it was recorded in a fucking cavern. Its rather slow, but the songs are suffocating. If you are a fan of any finnish death metal then I can't see why you wouldn't like this. The album reminds me of Demigod a bit.

Its been out in Europe for a while I think, I haven't found a distro in the US that carries it yet, but I'm considering ordering it from Europe anyways. Its excellent.

Oh, and Excoriate is fucking great, in my top 5 of the year.
Did I miss the boat on the Excoriate cd? I've been looking at all the usual NA distros and can't seem to find it. I guess I'll have to wait for vinyl release
Hells Headbangers should have it.

Nope. I had to order overseas for the Excoriate release. For anyone else looking Nuclear Winter Records has copies of the CD, as does Kneel Before the Master's Throne.

On another note:

I pulled out Bloody Sign's EP "The Third Escape" again after some time away from it and so far it's surviving the test of time. This was released last year on Blood Harvest Records and it's quite the impressive release. I don't hear too many contemporary death metal bands that actually remind me of Morbid Angel, but Bloody Sign do just that. It's mostly in the guitar playing: the off-kilter riffs and otherworldly shredding. It's a well crafted, and unique release that deserves some attention. I haven't checked out the full lengths they released prior, but I will be soon.
For those interested:
Nope. I had to order overseas for the Excoriate release. For anyone else looking Nuclear Winter Records has copies of the CD, as does Kneel Before the Master's Throne.

Oh they must have sold out of it then, because that was where I got it.
Necrophobic the nocternal silence finally clicked with me today. Also bought Slugathor circle of death and Entombed Clandestine today, might grab left hand path too, don't think I ever gave them a listen