Death Metal

Guitarist: Brian Wynn, Drummer: Brad Fincher and Vocals: Kevin Clark, have returned as MESHIHA in 2009! Many are aware that they were the creative force behind the 1999 release "Molesting the Decapitated" and the latter re-release "138" Check out thier video as they are currently writing for their NEW project MESHIHA!

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A band worse than Devourment, WoW. Honestly could not even get through 1 minute because that was excruciatingly terrible, the vocalist especially sucks to the point it's embarassing.
Why a band would want to put that up as an advertisement is beyond me..I felt embarrassed watching it
Is it too much to ask for that their lyrical content start out Christian and then turn into murder/rape/necrophilia?

Every song they did that wasnt about those things turned into them a few lines in.
I couldn't get into Augury at first play. I don't listen to much DM outside of MDM. I literally turned off the album 3 or 4 songs in when I first tried em - but something drew me back, and slowly over time I've listened to it maybe 8 or 9 times and this last time I listened to Concealed it felt like everything clicked and I was enjoying it immensely. This is the only tech death band I've ever listened to, is this similar to anyone else's experiences with the genre? I know typically more complex music takes more time to get into, but this is crazy how it kind of raped my ears outta nowhere
Graveyard - One With The Dead

another great death metal album from this year. Reminds me of Carnage and the early Swedish DM scene. Fantastic album..
Hm...I'll have to check that out.

Who else here has and likes Claws - Absorbed in the Nethervoid? Best thing Razorback's done in a while.
Speaking of christian death metal, living sacrifice got back together.
Their new soundtrack was not impressive at all. Sounds like garbage in my opinion.
There are a couple of shouts on that make me have to ask:

The new Grave Miasma isn't already out is it?